Here is the Waec Civic education answers for 2021, we won’t post all answers here, we will only post few answers. Chat me on Whatsapp 09134015664 for full questions and answers.

Waec education answers


1a) Values are basic and fundamental beliefs that guide or motivate attitudes or actions

4a) A secret cult is a club or an organization whose activities, events, inner functioning, or membership are concealed.

6a) Youth empowerment is a process where children and young people are encouraged to take charge of their lives.

6a) Youth empowerment is a process where children and young people are encouraged to take charge of their lives.


(I) Life Coping Skills: These are natural skills which every organism including man, acquires from birth to adapt fittingly in his or its environment. They are survival Instincts or skills.

(II) Manipulative Skills: These skills are seen in skills acquisition centres as it involves economic activities that inculcate skills such as technical education.

(III) Intellectual Skills: These skills are coordinates in character. It is the literary or theoretical frameworks that guide the practical aspects of the works, economic and scientific undertakings

(IV) Communicative Skills: Communication is a very important aspect of our life. Man evolved communications skills as a social being to enable him pass or send information from one person to the other or from place to place.

(V) Artistic Skills: These are close to communicative skills and are more complex. Includes they art of good writing, fine and applied arts, music and drama. These skills make effective use of all the other four kinds of skills where necessary.

(VI) Loading


1) Freedom from Discrimination: Everyone is
entitled to all the rights and freedoms
without distinction of any kind, such as race.
colour, sex, language, religion etc.

2) Freedom from Fear: Everyone is entitled

in full equality to a fair and public hearing by
an independent and impartial tribunal in the
determination of his rights and obligations
and or any criminal charge against him.

3) Freedom of Want: Everyone has the right
to own property alone as well as in
association with others. No one shall be
arbitrarily deprived of his property. Men and
women of full age, without any limitation due
to race, nationality or religion, have the right
to marry and to form family.

4) Freedom of Religion and Conscience:

Everyone has the right to freedom of
conscience and religion, this right include
freedom to change his religion or beliefs
either alone or in community with others in
public or private, to manifest his religion or
belief in teaching, practice, worship and

5) Freedom of Assembly: Everyone has the
freedom to take part in any gathering that
one wishes.

6) Freedom of Association: Everyone has the
right to freedom of peaceful assembly and
association. No one may be compelled to
belong to an association. Everyone has the
right to work, to free choice of employment,
to just and favourable conditions of work and
for protection against unemployment.

7) Freedom of Thought, Belief, Opinion and
Expression: Everyone has the right to
freedom of opinion and expression, this
includes freedom to hold opinion without
interference and to seek, receive and impact
information and ideas through any media
and regardless of international boundaries.

(i)It advices in the formulation of the policies of government.
(ii)It implements government policies.
(iii)It advises the government.
(iv)It creates employment opportunities.
(v)It performs delegated /legislative functions.

(i) Poor remuneration: A hungry man is an angry man. The civil service are poorly remunerated which causes them to take bribe. The salary they receive is not even enough for them to pay their children’s school fees. They are not well motivated

(ii) Absence of skilled manpower: Lack of skilled manpower in the civil service causes inefficiency in the civil service. Therefore, any organization that lacks adequate skilled personnel in their organization, will find it difficult carrying out their operations effectively and efficiently.

(iii) Poor human resources management: Human resources management recruits and train workers to work in the organization. But when the organization cannot manage their workers, the workers tend to leave the organization. Poor management of workers causes death of an organization

(iv) Inadequate materials or insufficient materials: Lack of materials for work causes inefficiency in the operations of the civil service. Government failures to provide those necessary materials that can facilitate work in offices contribute to the cause of ineffectiveness in civil service.

(v) Corruption: Corruption has eaten deep into the bones of our civil service, it hard to find a civil servant without the intent to defraud. When corruption continues to thrive in the civil service, it affects the general operations of the civil service.


Answers coming soon, check back….


  1. Kingsley August 25, 2021
    • MyScholarshipBaze August 25, 2021
  2. Chekus August 25, 2021
    • MyScholarshipBaze August 26, 2021
  3. Master Imodu Thomas Joshua August 25, 2021
    • MyScholarshipBaze August 26, 2021

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