2021 WAEC Civic Education Topic Concentration

2021 WAEC Civic Education Topic Concentration

Section A: National ethics, discipline, rights and obligation.

Section B: Emerging Issues in the society.

Section C: Governmental system and processes.

Under Section A Study this👇🏻


👉🏻Values definition, types, importance of values to the society.

👉🏻Citizenship and Nationalism

👉🏻Meaning of citizenship;
meaning of citizenship education;
goals of citizenship education;
duties and obligations of citizens;
👉🏻Meaning of nationalism;
ways of promoting national consciousness, integrity and unity in the society;
👉🏻The nationalistic roles of individual and groups;
identification of local and world civic problems.
Human Rights

👉🏻Meaning of human rights;
categories of human rights;
characteristics of human rights;

👉🏻Meaning and historical background of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR);
meaning and identification of the seven core freedoms of UDHR;
👉🏻Importance of UDHR;
roles of individual, groups and government in UDHR;
limitations to the exercise of human rights.

*Law and Order*👇🏻

👉🏻Definition of Law and Order;
features of Law and Order;
importance of Law and Order in the society;
meaning of constituted authority;
types of constituted authority;
importance and roles of constituted authority.
Responsible Parenthood
meaning of responsible parenthood;
roles of responsible parents;
importance of responsible parenthood in national development.

*Traffic Regulations*

meaning of traffic regulations;
traffic regulation and its importance in the society;
the roles of the individual and government in maintaining traffic regulations.

👉🏻Meaning of inter-personal relationships;
types of interpersonal relationships;
skills that promotes interpersonal relationships;
meaning of inter communal relationships;
importance of inter communal relationships;
meaning of inter-communal conflicts.
skills for resolving inter-communal conflicts.



👉🏻Meaning and origin of cultism;
different cult groups in Nigeria and their symbols;
reasons for cultism;
consequences of cultism;
ways of preventing cultism in the society.
Drugs and Drug Abuse

👉🏻Meaning of drug abuse;
drugs that can be abused;
how drugs are abused;
symptoms of drug abuse;
behaviours of drug addicts;
ways of preventing

👉🏻Drug abuse;
government agencies working to prevent drug abuse/trafficking and their activities;
laws against drug abuse.
Human Trafficking

meaning of human trafficking;
causes of human trafficking;
effects and consequences of human trafficking;
efforts of government and individuals in stopping human trafficking.

👉🏻Meaning of HIV/AIDS;
causes of HIV/AIDS;
symptoms and effects of HIV/AIDS;
prevention of HIV/AIDS;
stigmatization of people living with HIV/AIDS.

*Youth Empowerment*

👉🏻Meaning of youth empowerment;
youth empowerment skills;
importance and benefits of youth empowerment skills.
efforts of government towards youth empowerment.


*Structure and Functions of Government*👇🏻

👉🏻Meaning of government;
structure/tiers of government;
functions of government.
Democracy, Rule of Law and National Development

👉🏻Meaning, types, and features of democracy;
importance of democracy;
pillars of democracy;
problems of democracy;
meaning of rule of law;
features of rule of law;
importance of rule of law;
problems of rule of law;
meaning of national development;
how democracy and Rule of law promote national development- good governance, employment creation and poverty alleviation etc.

*Political Apathy*

👉🏻Meaning of political apathy;
causes of political apathy;
consequences of political apathy;
why leaders fail to protect the interests of their followers;
how leaders can protect the interests of their followers;
ways of discouraging political apathy.
Civil Society and Popular Participation

*👉🏻Meaning of popular participation;*👇🏻

Types of popular participation;
the need for popular participation in the society;
traditional and modern modes of popular participation;
achieving popular participation in politics;
meaning of civil society;
functions / need for civil society;
qualities / characteristics of civil society; i.e. accountability, fairness, justice, equity etc.
problems of civil society; i.e. bribery and corruption, inadequate funding, over bearing influence of foreign donors etc.
Public Service in Democracy.

Meaning of public service;

Functions of public service;

Problems of public service;
reasons for the shortcomings in the public service;
ways of improving the public service

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