Facts about Warji Ethnic Group

Facts about Warji Ethnic Group

In Bauchi state, Warji is both a tribe and a local government area. This tribe is one of the Ningi Emirate’s tribes. Its inhabitants also came from different regions of Plateau state.

As a second language, the Warji speak Hausa, the language of their more powerful neighbors.

Those Warji who have settled in Kano state, which is just beyond Bauchi’s border, have acquired Hausa religion, language, and attire. Although these people are Muslim, the gospel has made inroads among the Warji in other areas.

This tribe is mostly Muslim because its founding fathers were Islamic academics. Farming and trade are two of the most common occupations. The Warji and Hausa people have the same customs. Dressing and food are examples of them.

Sheep, goats, horses, and occasional cattle are kept by most families, and they are frequently managed by Fulani nomads. Hunting, fishing, creating palm-leaf mats, dyeing, and trading are some of the other jobs available.

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