Bells University of Technology Recruitment

Bells University of Technology Recruitment

Bells University of Technology, Ota, is the First Private University of Technology, set up by the Bells Educational Foundation. It was conceded a functional permit by the Federal Government on ninth June 2005 and began working in July 2006.

The University Council, therefore, welcomes applications from the appropriately qualified possibilities for the situation beneath:

Occupation Title: University Librarian

The Candidate

* The University Librarian is the Academic and Professional Head of the Library and is straightforwardly capable to the Vice-Chancellor for the everyday organization and the board of the University Library

* By excellence of his/her position, the University Librarian is a Principal Officer of the University.

Capabilities and Experience

* An ability to impart trust in others and deserve the steadfastness and admiration of individuals;

* A fantastic physical and emotional wellness and should be ICT consistent.

* A decent Honors Degree and a Master’s Degree in Library and Information Science from a perceived University;

* Possession of a Doctorate Degree and enrollment of perceived proficient bodies will be added advantage;

* A high respectability and good person with incredible relational relations.

Instructions to Apply

The Curriculum Vitae should be introduced in the accompanying request:

Complete Name (Surname first and in Capital)

Most Wanted

Date and Place of Birth

Territory of Origin


Conjugal Status

Number and Ages of Children

Contact Address(s) and email address

Organizations Attended with Dates

Scholarly Qualifications with Dates

Proficient Qualifications with Dates

Participation of Professional Bodies (with obvious proof of current status)

Differentiations and Awards (with Dates)

Explanation of Work Experience including full subtleties of previous and present posts

Major related administrations to the Nation outside the University framework

Significant important Conferences/Workshops/Courses joined in

Distributions (Thesis, Books/Monographs, Published Articles)

Present Employment, Status, Salary, and Employer

Extra-Curricular Activities

Names and Addresses of three (3) Referees (one of whom should be equipped for offering able expression on the up-and-comers proficient skill).

All Applications and supporting reports ought to be submitted under private cover and addressed to:

The Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Council,
The Bells University of Technology,
Km 8, Idiroko Road,
P.M.B. 1015,
Ogun State,

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