Waec Geography practical answers 2023

Waec Geography practical answers 2023

Here is the Waec Geography practical answers 2023


(i) Winter.
(ii) Spring.
(iii) Autumn.
(iv) Summer.

(i) Local time varies from one longitude to another at the rate of 4 minutes per degree of longitude.
(ii) Local time varies from place to place within a time zone.
(iii) Local time varies irregularity from longitude to longitude within each time zone.
(iv) Local time does not associate with greenwich mean time.

(i) Standard time varies from one time zone to another one hourly basis of 15° of longitude to 1 hour.
(ii) It maintains the central time for time zone in which they are.
(iii) Standard time falls within 24 time zones.
(iv) Standard time is associated with Greenwich mean time.

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Solar energy refers to the radiant energy emitted by the Sun, which can be harnesses and converted into useful forms of energy such as heat and electricity using photovoltaic cells or solar thermal collectors.

(i) Renewable and Sustainable: Solar energy is a clean and abundant source of energy that does not deplete natural resources and does not emit harmful pollutants into the environment. This makes it a sustainable and environmentally friendly energy source.

(ii) Cost-effective: Once installed, solar energy systems require very little maintenance or operating costs. As the cost of solar technology continues to decrease, it has become increasingly affordable for individuals and businesses to invest in solar energy systems.

(iii) Energy Independence: Solar energy provides a level of energy independence that is not possible with traditional fossil fuel-based energy sources. It allows individuals and communities to generate their own power and reduces their dependence on centralized power grids.

(i) Intermittent Energy Source: Solar energy is an intermittent energy source, meaning it is only available during daylight hours and may vary depending on weather conditions. Energy storage systems such as batteries or pumped hydro storage can be used to overcome this challenge and provide a continuous flow of energy.

(ii) High Initial Costs: Although solar energy is cost-effective in the long run, the initial investment required to install solar panels and other equipment can be high, which may deter some individuals or businesses from investing in solar energy systems.

(iii) Land Use and Environmental Impact: Solar energy systems require a significant amount of land to generate large amounts of electricity, which can potentially impact natural habitats and wildlife. Additionally, the production and disposal of solar panels and other equipment can have environmental impacts if not properly managed.

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