Waec gce geography answers 2021

Waec gce geography answers 2021

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Waec GCE geography answers











flooding Flooding can be defined as a situation of excessive volume of water in an area not usually under water or could be referred to as excessive large quantity of water which overflows existing channels.



[Pick any three]

(i) Deforestation

(ii) Excessive rainfall in an area

(iii) Collapse of dams

(iv) Careless dumping of refuse which block culverts or river channels

(v) Inadequate urban planning

(vi) Poor drainage system or absence of channels / culverts

(vii) Strong tidal waves near coast e.g Bar Beach in Lagos

(viii) Establishment of settlement on rivers channels

(ix) High water table.



[Pick any three]

(i) Channelization of flood from city centres

(ii) Public enlightenment on effects of flooding

(ii;) Construction of wider culverts or good drainage system

(iv) Installation of strong dams to act as flood reservoirs


Settlement: A group of buildings with people in them. A settlement is a centre for human activities. It is made up of houses, communication network (roads, tracks, railways, etc.). It may be only one house, a group of houses, a village, a town or a city

[Pick any five]
(i) Economic services like banking, insurance, etc
(ii) Factory produced goods
(ii) Employment
(iv) Sale of industrial raw materials
(v) Educational services
(vi) Health services (especially secondary and tertiary healthcare)
(vii) Administrative services
(viii) Justice and security
(ix) Purchase of agricultural products.

(i) Inadequate transport facilities as a result of increasing number of people trooping into urban centres
(ii) Over-use and deterioration of available social amenities such as water, electrical school, etc
(iii) Increase in the rate of crime as a result of lack of employment of able-bodied persons
(iv) The problem of undue increase in human and vehicular traffic in urban areas.


Agriculture is the art and science of cultivating the soil, growing crops and raising livestock


[Pick any four]

(i)Unsuitable climatic conditions: Climatic conditions vary from areas of excessive rainfall to areas of excessive drought. These two types of climatic conditions are detrimental to crop and animal growth.

(ii) Poor technical knowledge: The farmers lack requisite technical knowledge and modern skills to raise the standard of farming and agricultural production in their countries.

(iii) Use of crude implements: West African farmers still use crude implements such as cutlass, hoes etc for farming. They have no opportunity for mechanized farming.

(iv) Rural- urban drift: The imbalance in urban-rural economy has led to rural -urban drift. Agriculture has thus been losing its vital labour force without replacing it with mechanization.

(v) Land tenure system: Land tenure system encourages small scale farming. Modern agriculture is difficult under the existing land tenure system which makes transfer of ownership of land extremely difficult.

(vi) Pest and diseases: They reduce the quality and quantity of agricultural products since farmers cannot afford to purchase insecticides.

(vii) Poor marketing facilities: The sale of products is limited to their immediate environment because of poor transportation and communication systems.


[pick any five]

(i) Agriculture provides Nigerians with food and increase in food means increase in the well being of the citizens.

(ii) The industrial sector depends on agriculture for some of its raw materials, e.g. sugar cane, palm produce, cotton etc.

(iii) Agriculture provides revenue for farmers and government of Nigeria.

(iv) It provides employment to many Nigerians who would have been jobless.

(v) Agricultural produce, e.g. cotton, rubber etc earns foreign exchange for the country.

(vi) It provides a market for industrial output as farmers purchase industrial goods, e.g. hoes, cutlass, tractors, fertilizer etc for use.

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