Here is the waec computer answers for 2021, we provided a platform for subscribeed members. Chat me here 09134015664 to add you, but you have to pay. Answers will be dropped here but not all
Waec computer answers 2021
Computer graphics deals with creation, manipulation and storage of different type of images and objects.
– Choose any 2
i. Computer Art
ii. Computer aided drawing.
iii. Presentation Graphics.
Interactive Fill tool: Interactive Fill tool to color the fish modified in other videos. To apply an interactive fill, click the Interactive Fill tool, click an object, and then drag. To change the fill colors, drag colors from the color palette to the square handles or to the fill path.
Texture Fill tool: A texture fill is a randomly generated fill that you can use to give your objects a natural appearance. You can use existing texture fills, such as water, minerals, and clouds, or you can edit a texture to create your own texture fill. You can use colors from any color model or palette.
Evenlope Tool: Envelope Tool is used to create and manipulate “control points” at various points in the track. The control points then determine its volume changes over time.
Extrude Tool: The Extrude tool is used in conjunction with an existing 2D shape or shapes in the scene. It allows you to create an extruded 3D shape from the selected 2D shape by defining various parameters.
Report in data base syterm is the formatted result of database queries and contains useful data for decsion-making and analysis.
(i) Click File > Print.
(ii) To preview each page, click the forward and backward arrows at the bottom of the page. If the text is too small to read, use the zoom slider at the bottom of the page to enlarge it.
(iii) Choose the number of copies, and any other options you want, and click the Print button.
Answers will be posted here, check back in few moments.
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