Neco Technical Drawing TD practical answers 2021

Neco Technical Drawing TD practical answers 2021

Here is the technical drawing practical answers for 2021, more answers are coming… Share

(1a)Corel Draw is a vector graphic editing software and it is the most recognized and most widely used of all especially designing.


(i)Zoom Tool.

(ii)Eclipse Tool.

(iii)Text Tool.

(iv)Fill Tool.

(v)Polygon Tool.

*Choose any 2*


(i)REC: The REC command is used to create rectangles from the specified the rectangle parameters (length, width, rotation) and type of corners (fillet, chamfer, or square).

(ii)MTEXT: Mtext is used to create several paragraph of text as a single multiline text

(iii)QSAVE: Qsave is used to save a current drawing

*Advantages Of Auto Card*

(i)Autocad has the ability to produce very accurate designs; drawings can be created in 2D or 3D.

(iv)Autocad Saves Time and it is very fast.

(iii)Autocad helps you can access your drawings from anywhere and anytime

*Advantages Of Auto Card*

1. Autocad has the ability to produce very accurate designs; drawings can be created in 2D or 3D.

2. Autocad Saves Time and it is very fast.

3. Autocad helps you can access your drawings from anywhere and anytime

Autocad used in drawing that drawing.

1. Polyline Tool.

2. Erase/Trim Tool.

3. Offset Tool.

4. Mirror/Move Tool.


*Modifying Command*

*Choose any best two:*

1. Erase.

2. Copy.

3. Mirror.

4. Offset.

5. Move.

6. Scale.

7. Trim and Extend.

*Draw Command*

*Choose any Reasonable 2*

1. Line/Polyline.

2. Hatch.

3. Spine Drawing.

4. Divide.

5. Measure


  1. lekan July 22, 2021
  2. Zakariyya yahaya July 22, 2021

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