Table of Contents
About QUT
The school hosting this scholarship is QUT. QUT is a recognized leader in transdisciplinary research. They are at the center of progressive research an exciting and rewarding place to be. QUT increases capacity for transformative research with real-world relevance through its research strengths and by supporting researchers with world-class infrastructure. They prioritize partnerships and high-quality research outputs with societal impact by facilitating co-creation and co-authorship and focusing on the real-world difference our research can make.
Project Topic; The Vulnerability and Risk Mapping of Coral Rubble Generation on the Great Barrier Reef.
The scholarship will be funded by a funding Body and Project Alignment by the name ‘Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program (
Project Description: The Great Barrier Reef is vulnerable to damage by a range of natural and anthropogenic causes that can generate large and sustained volumes of coral rubble that hinder coral and reef recovery. At present, it remains unknown which reefs on the Great Barrier Reef are likely to get, or currently have significant and damaging coral rubble loads. and how frequently coral rubble generation occurs, or if it is a recurring problem, and what the timescales or recovery periods are between coral rubble-generating events, which is crucial for the success of intervention methods following a rubble-forming event; and how vulnerability to coral rubble generation may vary both along and across the Great Barrier Reef. The project(s) will focus on key areas in the Great Barrier Reef and integrate several different datasets on drivers of rubble gener ation (e.g., cyclones tsunamis, Crown of Thorns Starfish invasions, bleaching events) to develop vulnerability maps at the individual reef to local reef group scales.
The Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program (RRAP) is underway on Australia’s Great Barrier Reef and is designed as a large-scale collaborative research and development program to develop, test, and assess innovative interventions to enhance reef resilience and sustain ecological functions and values. Rubble Stabilisation, a subprogram of RRAP, is a reef-based R&D project that aims to investigate methods to stabilize damaged reef surfaces where dead or degraded corals have become loose and unconsolidated rubble, preventing or slowing reef recovery. As a first step then, it is important to be able to identify coral reefs that can benefit most from restoration strategies: those most vulnerable to rubble formation, and those where prevailing wave regimes can make mobile rubble persist and hinder recovery.
Two MPhil scholarships and projects, or One Ph.D. scholarship and project are available.
The scholarship benefit has been broken down into two programs for easy understanding.
The selected applicant(s) for the Master of Philosophy will receive a living allowance for up to 1.5 years of $21,041 per annum. The scholarship award is only for full-time students and can be used to support living costs.
The selected applicant for the Doctor of Philosophy will receive a living allowance for a duration of three years of $35,000 per annum. The scholarship is only awarded to full-time students and can be used to support living costs.
Applicants must meet the following requirements to be selected for the scholarship award but also know that the provision of a scholarship is conditional on successful application and admission to the Doctor of Philosophy or Master of Philosophy course.
Eligibility for admission to a research degree is determined by the Graduate Research Centre.
The applicants for this scholarship are in two-phase
Interested applicants must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for consideration prior to applying for this scholarship, as per QUT’s how to apply website. The EOI must include:
On review of the EOI selected applicants will then be invited to submit a full application.
EOIs will be reviewed next by the supervisory team. An informal interview may be requested of short-listed candidates.
Note; Applications will remain open until a suitable candidate(s) is found.
For more information on the scholarship, kindly visit the official website at;
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