List of Universities in Vatican City

List of Universities in Vatican City

This is a list of approved higher education institutions in or close to Vatican City, including universities, academies, colleges, seminaries, conservatories, and institutes of technology. There are no universities inside the official borders of Vatican City because of the restricted public access, including border checkpoints and security checkpoints run by the Pontifical Swiss Guard or the Italian police. To be more precise, the buildings are in Rome.

The Lateran Treaty states that these structures have the same legal standing as embassies and foreign diplomatic posts abroad. The territories the buildings occupy are referred to be extraterritorial.

Around Rome, there are roughly 65 educational institutions that focus on papal education and learning, with the most significant ones emphasizing the ecclesiastical faculties (Theology, Philosophy, and Canon Law).

List of Universities in Vatican City

Pontifical Gregorian University, Roma:
Pontifical Lateran University, Città del Vaticano:
Pontifical University Antonianum, Roma:
Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Roma:
Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Roma:
Pontifical Urbaniana University, Roma:

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