Check 2022 JAMB Result Via SMS
All candidates can now send RESULT, via SMS, to 55019 using the same number that was used for registration (you must have a credit balance of at least N50 on your line). The result would be replied to as an SMS shortly after.
The following are the responses to be expected:
- If a candidate uses a phone number that was not used to register, a message will be sent to him thus: ‘This phone number was not used for registration.”
- A candidate with a result will receive the message: “Dear Mr/Miss X, your result is as follows… (and the details will be provided).
- If a result is withheld, a “Result Withheld” message will be sent to the candidate.
- If a candidate belongs to the category being given the benefit of the doubt, the message to the person will be: “Result withheld pending the upload of clarifications/document required from you.”
- If a candidate was absent, s/he would get “CANDIDATE ABSENT” as feedback
- A candidate that was ABSENT WITH REGISTRATION NUMBER also CANCELLED will be so informed.
- “Invalid Entrance into the Exam Hall” will be sent to a candidate who gained unauthorized access to the examination hall.
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