WAEC Government Questions and Answers 2020

WAEC Government Questions and Answers 2020

The West African Examination Council (WAEC) Government paper for SSCE will be written on Thursday, 3rd September, 2020

NOTE: Please note that this post is basically a waec past questions, the waec government answers has been posted. Click to see it. 

WAEC Government Questions 2020:

PAPER 2 (Essay)
Answer only Four questions in the section.
Write your answers in the answer booklet provided.

1. (a) State six functions of government of a state.
(b) State five reasons for the study of government.

2. (a) Explain the concept of political participation.
(b) Highlight any four methods of political participation.

3. (a) What are the limitations to the application of Rule of law?
(b) Highlight the merits and demerits of a two party-system.

4. (a) Highlight any four major objectives of the foreign policy of any one West African Country.
(b) Outline any four ways of preventing military intervention in politics.

5. Highlight five reasons for the slow rate of nationalism in French speaking West Africa.

6. Identify five challenges facing the Commonwealth of Nations.

7. (a) Highlight four features of the 1979 Republican Constitution.
(b) State two ways by which the President could be removed from office according to the Constitution.

WAEC Government Objective Questions 2020:

PAPER 1 (Objective)
Answer All the questions in this section.
Write your answers in the answer sheet provided.

1. Case-laws are made by the _______
A. Judiciary         B. President        C. Executive     D. Legislature

2.The two leaders that played prominent roles in the formation of ECOWAS were ______
A. Acheampong and Jawara
B.     Gowon and Eyadema
C.     Kerkoru and Tubman
D.    Kounche and Senghor

3. The political party with the widest spread of membership in Nigeria during the second republic was the _____
A. GNPP      B. UPN        C. NPP      D. NPN

4. The Aro system in Igboland was ______
A.     a political organization
B.     a commercial organization~
C.     a religious organization
D.    an imperial organization

5. Which of the following had a centralized administration in the per-colonial Nigeria?
A. The Igbos     B. The Tivs     C. The Ibibios     D. The Yoruba’s

6. Which of the following organ control the civil service?
A.    Parliaments and the court
B.     Trade unions and the court
C.     The police and parliaments
D.    Tribunals and interest group.

7. The expenditure of the public fund by executives in Nigeria is controlled by the ______
A. Legislature     B. Judiciary          C. President      D. Ministry of finance

8. In the Igbo political system, authority was shared among
A.    Men and women with Ozo titles
B.     All age groups and warrant chiefs
C.     Elders of the community and ofo title holders
D.    Title holders and age groups

9. A popular principle of colonial administration in British West Africa was _______
A. Association   B. Indirect rule    C. Assimilation     D. Westernization

10. The crucial check on an autocratic Oba in Yoruba political system was _______
A.    Presenting to him a suicide symbol
B.     Avoiding the palace
C.     Sending him on exile
D.    Refusing to carry out his orders

11. According to Aristotle, a form of government in which the few rule for the benefit of all is ________
A. Diarchy   B. Aristocracy   C. Autocracy   D. Polyarchy

12. Which of the following bodies is the most representative organ of the United Nations?
A.    The security council
B.     The trusteeship council
C.      The General Assembly
D.    The Economic and Social Council

13. The pre-colonial Tiv society can be best described as ______
A. Republican B. Aristocratic C. Feudalistic D. Monarchical

14. The major function of the civil service is ______
A.    Keeping records of the activities of government
B.     Keeping records of the activities of government
C.     Promoting the interest of civil servants
D.    Advising government and implementing its policies

15. Which of the following is a feature of democracy?
A.    Power vested in minority party
B.     Popular consolation
C.     Interdependence of stats
D. States responsibility to society.

16. When Nigeria achieved independence in 1960 the head of state as the ______
A. Governor-General   B. Prime Minister   C. Queen of England   D. President

17. The first restructuring of the Nigerian federation took place with the _____
A.    Military counter-coup of 1966
B.     Creation of states in 1917
C.     Abolition federalism in 1966
D.    The creation of mid west region in 1963

18. In parliamentary system, the term shadow cabinet is often used to refer to the ______
A. hack-benchers in the house
B. deputy prime ministers and assistant ministers
C. rebellious members of the ruling party
D. portfolio designates before the party in opposition.

19. Acculturation in colonial administration was associated with the ____
A.    French policy of assimilation
B.     British policy of direct rule
C.     French policy of association
D.    British indirect rule system

20. An example of promotional pressure groups is ______
A.    Supreme council of Islamic affairs
B.     Nigerian medical association
C.     Civil liberties organization
D.    Manufacturers association of Nigeria

21.  The breakdown of the Macpherson constitution  was partly caused by the crisis within the _____
A. NCNC         B. AG         C. NPC        D. NNDP

22. Nigeria is the major shareholder in the _______
A.    OPEC fund for development
B.     World Bank
C.     International monetary fund
D.    Trade union

23. The official report of processing in parliament is known as ______
A. hansard     B. diary of events         C. gazette     D. summary of pressing

24. The 1946 constitution was remarkable because it
A.    created a ministerial position in Nigeria
B.      introduce regional governments in Nigeria
C.     introduced for the first time elective principle
D.    brought about self-government for Nigeria

25. The British government revoke the charter of the Royal Niger company and took over the administration of Nigeria in _____
A.    1861      B.     1885     C.     1900     D.    1914

26.  In Nigeria the local government service commission is set up by the
A.    Local government chairman
B.     Federal government
C.     Local government council
D.    State government

27. The head of common wealth of nation is _____
A. Chairman of the conference of the common wealth heads of government
B. Queen of great Britain
C. Prime minister of great Britain
D. Secretary-general of the common wealth

28. Southern Nigeria was divided into Eastern and Western provinces for administrative purpose in _____
A. 1935         B. 1937        C. 1939       D. 1941

29. The OAU was founded on the principles of ______
A. Settlement of international disputes by armed struggle
B. Justifiable interference in the domestic affairs of member states
C. Sovereign equality of member states
D. Equal contribution by member states

30.  A major feature which differentiated the 1963 and 1979 constitution was that in the former _____
A.    Ministers were appointed from the national assembly
B.     Ministers were appointed from outside the national assembly
C.     The prime minister was elected by the whole country
D.    The national assembly comprised the Senates and the national assembly.


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