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ATPAYS is a news platform which have its redirect to NEWS4RESULT, we will review both on this post, since both are managed by the same admins and the admins remains anonymous, even after the domain registrations shows he is Nigerian and from the eastern Nigeria precisely, as his name Reads Chinedu ilondu
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NEWS4RESULT home page looks like this picture below, same with the ATPAYS home page,

If you’re unfamiliar with rewards sites, no problem. I’m going to explain how rewards sites work in this review. NEWS4RESULT is different though. They are quite different from some other well-known rewards sites like GIFTAL WORLD, newspayforum, etc
And as a membership site, you are required to pay NEWS4RESULT to join. This is actually the starting point where everyone smells something fishy, most people feel scared once told to pay from the onset, it’s not only you, most of us have the same instincts and that’s why you are reading this web page now.
This site is also affiliated with jumia, Konga, and other top marketers in Nigeria which makes them lucrative, that is exactly where they get the sponsored posts they advised members to post and share on their social media handles to gain some points.
ATPAYS or News4Result is relatively a year older. Based on the data from domain information site, ATPAYS was registered in India on May 31, 2019.
NEWS4RESULT also makes use of Nigerian currency
one of the most common questions about NEWS4RESULT is whether they’re a scam. Making money online in itself attracts a lot of shady scammers, and this is especially true for rewards sites.
NEWS4RESULT’S About page simply says it was “created by a visioned entrepreneur”.
The number two statistically said the main reason why they are here, they are basically here to make money, not to pay you. have that in mind
NEWS4RESULT Registration shows it’s registered in Pakistan, check the picture below.
One of the most common misdirects scammers use is to shut down their scam when it’s exposed and copy it over to a new domain name redirect users or re-promote the new brand name.
So I must say, I’m not feeling too good about NEWS4RESULT so far. They have 2 identical websites with different addresses involving three different countries (Nigeria, India, and Pakistan), which raises a lot of questions.
NEWS4RESULT Need you to Pay to Start Earning
We have many legit sites where one can make money from, like coins base affiliation, survey junkie, inbox dollar, click bank, even YouTube. These legit sites will never ask for upfront payments for what you do on their sites, they will be the ones to pay you huge money afterwords.
They can also be a stepping stone to something more serious like an online business.
You may be at home because of difficulties with your health for example, or young ones to look after.
If that’s the case and a full-time income online is what you want, knowing how and where to get started is what you need in order to get what you want
NEWS4RESULT on the other hand is asking you to open up your wallet and pay N1,500 first, roughly $3.50 to $4.00 USD depending on the current exchange rate.
They also call themselves an affiliate site (different than a rewards site) – but Clickbank as an example is also an affiliate site, and they are also free to join. So this doesn’t explain their entry fee.
Asking you to pay for something upfront is one of the biggest signs that something is a scam. That’s not always the case of course, but it’s a common scenario I’ve seen time and time again after reviewing hundreds of these types of sites.
NEWS4RESULT Will track your activities
NEWS4RESULT terms and conditions also state that they have the right to track your online activities.
Yes, aside from getting hold of your personal information when you sign up to their site, they also explicitly say they have to “right” to monitor your every move.
If you read the statement below, they are not only talking about your activity on their platform, they go further and claim they have the right to track your individual browser activity as well.
This is extraordinary. It’s also extremely dangerous!
NEWS4RESULT No Money-Back Guarantee
Are they not confident in their membership program?
It would be a sign of good faith and it shows that the creator is confident in what he or she is offering. In the case of NEWS4RESULT, their refund policy explicitly says that they’re not giving any refunds.
So, if you’re not satisfied with ATPAYS, you’re out of luck. You can’t do anything about it.
NEWS4RESULT Payment Issues
So they’re ACTUALLY telling you that you might not get paid and you can’t blame them for it.
Claiming the right to monitor your browser activity while also claiming they have the right to not pay you is a real bad one, though funny.
You’re not only giving them money, but you’re also giving them your time with the potential of getting nothing in return, and then they make millions from the sponsored content you are sharing.
They are offering high risk for little reward. And, this is the first time I’ve seen a platform that just flat out says you can’t blame them if they don’t pay you.
And come to think of it, who will you go after?
I will not tell you it is s scam, but I am sure to tell you that they will enjoy your effort in sharing their sponsored content, and within a certain period stops paying.
Come to think of it, if I say it’s a scam, what will happen? you will come to my house and beat me? funny… below here are the complaints I saw on the Facebook group about this scheme, do not forget to bookmark us here on myscholarshipbaze.
NEWS4RESULT Review and Complaints
I also saw a public NEWS4RESULT group on Facebook and I found a lot of scam accusations there as well. Below are some screenshots of people accusing NEWS4RESULT of scamming them.
As you can see here, I am not the one that said this about NEWS4RESULT, one thing certain is that bad reviews and scam reports on this platform are high, just maybe one should use their potential for something more useful. thank you so much for reading, share your opinions in the comment section below.