Neco Civic Education Answers 2022

Neco Civic Education Answers 2022

Here is the Neco Civic Education Answers 2022


INSTRUCTIONS:- Answer four(4) questions in all , two (2) questions from each section


(i)Decorum: Decorum is simply the to as requirement of correct behavior in polite society. It is the right behavior expected at a particular situation..Example is perfect silence among the students when the principal is speaking.

(ii)Obeying traffic rules and regulation: It is important for every road users to obey the traffic rules and regulation while driving and there is need for proper understanding proper understanding of the traffic rules and regulation.

(iii)Queuing culture: Queuing is an important way to maintain orderliness in the society. There may be need for us to queue up at some places where many people want to enjoy same services with us. This will help in letting things go in a well orderly manner. Examples of where queuing may be needed are petrol stations, ATM points, banks etc.

(iv)Listening skills: Good listening skills help us to avoid misunderstanding, embarrassment and mistakes. there is need to be attentive to ever information. Orderliness involves paying attention while others speak.

(v)Driving skills: Driving skills is needed before driving, it is important to go through the normal driving school process before prescribed by the authority concerned before making any attempt to drive.We demonstrate orderliness in driving by observing the traffic light and traffic regulations.

(i) Love: An interpersonal relationship characterized by passion, intimacy, trust and respect is called love. Individuals in a romantic relationship are deeply attached to each other and share a special bond.

(ii) Friendship: Friendship is an unconditional interpersonal relationship where individuals enter into by their own sweet will and choice. Friendship is a relationship where there are no formalities and individuals enjoy each other’s presence.

(iii) Platonic Relationship: A relationship between two individuals without any feelings or sexual desire for each other is called a platonic relationship. In such a relationship, a man and a woman are just friends and do not mix love with friendship.

(iv) Platonic relationships might end in romantic relationship with both the partners developing mutual love and falling for each other. Family Relationship Individuals related by blood or marriage are said to form a family.

(v) Professional Relationship (Work Relationship): Individuals working together for the same organization are said to share a professional relationship. Individuals sharing a professional relationship are called colleagues. Colleagues may or may not like each other.

(i) Refresher of courses and training
programmes: The introduction of fresher
courses and training programmes home
and abroad for public servants on the
various skills they need to improve their
jobs and Nigeria.
(ii) Teaching political education in schools :
The introduction of political education into
the school curriculum like the learning of
civic education, government, diplomacy
and other political thoughts to all levels of
(iii) Use of code of conduct bureau and public
complaints commission : Government
should establish some disciplinary codes of
conduct which will watch the affairs of
public servants.
(iv) Use of technology through Participatory budgeting. Addressing policy
challenges. Checking schools and toilets.
Transforming relationship between citizens
and public services. Providing feedback in
real time.
(v) Do open conversations with individuals or citizens of the country to note their challenges in their daily lives.

(i) Road Accidents:
Many roads accident are caused by drivers who drink and drive, or those under the influence of drugs.

(ii) Social vices and problems:
People found under the influence of drugs can engage in social vices like rape, cultism, robbery , fraud , terrorism, etc, thereby causing more problems for government or the entire society.

(iii) Hooliganism and violence:
Many people who engage in abuse if drugs end up becoming touts, wayward and destitutes, thereby creating more problems and expenses for the government and the society at large

(iv) Waste of government funds:
Government spends more on the building of psychiatric hospital to cure those who are insane. Money is also often spent on adverts and symposia on the implications of drug abuse.

(v) Broken Homes:
Someone who abuses drugs may end up in disastrous acts of different kinds which may end up destroying and forcing family members into having broken homes

Civic duty refers to the patriotic and ethical responsibility of all citizens to take an active role in society and to consider the interests and concerns of other individuals in the community.

(i) Payment of taxes:
An important duty of any citizen in any country is to pay taxes to the state. Tax is a compulsory contribution to state revenue, levied by the government on workers’ income and business profits, or added to the cost of some goods, services, and transactions used in the development of a country.

(ii) Obeying the laws of the state:
Law and order are prerequisites of every society. To ensure that there is law and order, therefore, every citizen must obey the laws of the land. Citizens are expected to respect and obey federal, state, and local laws.

(iii) Participating in the political process:
Citizens are expected to participate in the political process of the state. The citizen is expected to vote and can also be voted for if he or she vies for a political office. Citizens are expected to be active in the democratic process.

(iv) Protection of public property:
Every citizen has the responsibility to protect state property. A lot of tax money is spent by governments to create public properties for the state. As such, it is expected of citizens to take care of these properties.




[Pick Any five]
(i) protects the country against external attack
(ii) execute and implement the law
(iii) prepares annual budget
(iv) Enforce law in the state
(v) Appointment of ministers, high commissioners and ambassadors
(vi) signing of bill into law.

[Pick Any five]
(i) It makes law
(ii) it approves budget
(iii) Executive watchdog
(iv) It approves judiciary appointment
(v) it represents the citizens in government.
(vi) it approves executive appointments.

[Pick Any five]

(i) it interpreters the law
(ii) it settles disputes
(iii) it punishes offenders
(iv) It contributes to law making
(v) it safeguards fundamental individual right.
(vi) it functions as watch dog to other organs of government.



(i) Enforcement of law and order
(ii) Maintenance of law and order
(iii) Appointments of some political officers
(iv) Signing of bills and treaties
(v) Preparation of budgets and other financial obligations

(i) Making of law
(ii) Screening and ratification of appointments
(iii) Amendment of the constitution
(iv) Drafting of bills and budgets
(v) Controlling of the executive

(i) Protection of the constitution
(ii) Punishment of law offenders
(iii) Interpretation of the constitution
(iv) Protection of human rights
(v) Miscellaneous functions
(i)Platonic relationships
(ii)Relationship between male and female
(iii) Relationship among peers
(iv) Relationship between man and man
(v) Relationship between individual and government

(i)Platonic relationships:
This is the type of relationship that exists between people of the same or different genders without any intention of marriage or intimate affairs. This kind of relationship can exist between a boy and a girl, man and woman, woman and girl, woman and boy, woman and woman, etc.

(ii)Relationship between male and female (opposite gender):This is the kind of relationship between unmarried man and woman. Most times, this type of relationship leads both partners to marriage if well formalized. It also leads to the formation of a family.

(iii) Relationship among Peer: This is the friendship among people of same age bracket, political or social groups, classmates, sports, etc. For example, fans of the same football club, star artist, political leader, clubs, stars, etc end up rearing peer relationship.

(iv)Relationship between man and man: This is a friendship between two people of same gender who share similar interests such as social interest, economic interest, cultural interest, religion interest, etc. This may as well exist between woman and woman, boy and boy, girl and girl

(v) Relationship between individual and government: This is the relationship that exists between an individual and government. There are several ways through which an individual relate withe the government in order to fully enjoy the rights and privileges of a citizen or as a stranger residing in the country


(Pick Any Five)

(i)Refresher courses and training programmes: The introduction of fresher courses and training programmes home and abroad for public servants on the various skills they need to improve on their jobs can help improve public service in Nigeria. Such courses refreshes ones knowledge brings him to current issues, ideas , methodologies and functional techniques

(ii)Teaching political education in schools: The introduction of political education into the school curriculum like the learning of civic education, government, diplomacy and other political thoughts at all levels of education can help improve the public service in Nigeria. The political education would go a long way to reorienting Nigerian youths from the cradle who is potential leaders of tomorrow.

(iii)Use of code of conduct bureau and public complaints commission Government should establish some disciplinary codes of conduct which will watch the affairs of public servants.The Code of Conduct Bureau is empowered by the constitution to support the Federal Government in curtailing unethical conduct, abuse of office, and other forms of corruption in the public service.

(iv)Encouraging citizen to participate in governance: The quality of service rendered by public services will be much better if citizens participated in governance and have platforms on which to express grievances and give feedback. This participatory governance helps to encourage accountability because it puts members and managers of public enterprises on their toes.

(v)improved salaries: The most important input in the public service is human resources. If the people who work and provide services on behalf of the government are not well motivated, there will continue to be a poor quality of work and poor national development. In Nigeria, public servants are the least motivated to work because of their low salary and remuneration package.

(vi) Introducing the use of technology in the public service: The public sector in Nigeria still makes use of traditional ways in performing their functions. It is very difficult for the public sector to catch up with standards in a fast-paced technological world. The government needs to invest in Information and technological tools in order to improve the quality of services



i. *Obedience to law and order:* The citizens of the state are expected to obey the laws of the state so that orderliness can reign in the state.All the citizens should willingly and habitually obey the laws of the state. A democratic government is a government of the people themselves. Laws reflect their own will. There should not be, therefore, any hesitation in the obedience of laws.
ii. *Reporting of criminals* : A good citizen must perform the duties of reporting law breakers or any act of lawlessness to the police. It is the duty of every citizen to lend a hand of co-operation to public officials in the discharge of their duties. Every citizen should try to remove evils and crimes from society by rendering help to the officials concerned.
iii. *National service* : A good citizen should respond to the call to serve his/ her country. An example is the National youth service corps (NYSC).
iv. *Voting during election* : This is one of the political duties of a citizen. Good citizens are to exercise their voting rights during elections. A Nigerian citizen that has attained the age of 18 is expected to vote during election.


i. *Payment of taxes and rates* : This is a financial obligation of a citizen. Good citizens are expected to pay their taxes at the appropriate time. This will help he government to discharge their duties correctly.

ii. *Loyalty to the state* : It is the responsibility of Nigerian citizens to be firm and show constant support to their government. Your loyalty must not be divided.

*iii. Community Services* : A good citizen should volunteer and always try to offer whatever help you can for the community in which he or she is living in.

iv. *Respect for national symbols* : Nigerian national symbols are the national anthem, national flag, Nigerian currency, the coat of arms etc. All of these needed to be respected by the citizens.

(i)Decorum: Decorum is simply the to as requirement of correct behavior in polite society. It is the right behavior expected at a particular situation..Example is perfect silence among the students when the principal is speaking.

(ii)Obeying traffic rules and regulation: It is important for every road users to obey the traffic rules and regulation while driving and there is need for proper understanding proper understanding of the traffic rules and regulation.

(iii)Queuing culture: Queuing is an important way to maintain orderliness in the society. There may be need for us to queue up at some places where many people want to enjoy same services with us. This will help in letting things go in a well orderly manner. Examples of where queuing may be needed are petrol stations, ATM points, banks etc.

(iv)Listening skills: Good listening skills help us to avoid misunderstanding, embarrassment and mistakes. there is need to be attentive to ever information. Orderliness involves paying attention while others speak.

(v)Driving skills: Driving skills is needed before driving, it is important to go through the normal driving school process before prescribed by the authority concerned before making any attempt to drive.We demonstrate orderliness in driving by observing the traffic light and traffic regulations.
(i) Love: An interpersonal relationship characterized by passion, intimacy, trust and respect is called love. Individuals in a romantic relationship are deeply attached to each other and share a special bond.

(ii) Friendship: Friendship is an unconditional interpersonal relationship where individuals enter into by their own sweet will and choice. Friendship is a relationship where there are no formalities and individuals enjoy each other’s presence.

(iii) Platonic Relationship: A relationship between two individuals without any feelings or sexual desire for each other is called a platonic relationship. In such a relationship, a man and a woman are just friends and do not mix love with friendship.

(iv) Platonic relationships might end in romantic relationship with both the partners developing mutual love and falling for each other. Family Relationship Individuals related by blood or marriage are said to form a family.

(v) Professional Relationship (Work Relationship): Individuals working together for the same organization are said to share a professional relationship. Individuals sharing a professional relationship are called colleagues. Colleagues may or may not like each other.

*NUMBER (3)*

(i) Encouraging citizen participation in Government: The quality of service rendered by public services will be much better if citizens participated in governance and have platforms on which to express grievances and give feedback. This participatory governance helps to encourage accountability because it puts members and managers of public enterprises on their toes.

(ii) Reformation of code of bureau: The Code of Conduct Bureau is empowered by the constitution to support the Federal Government in curtailing unethical conduct, abuse of office, and other forms of corruption in the public service. Reforming the public service ensures that agencies are completely independent and free from political interference so that the provisions of the Code of Conduct can be enforced and corruption checked.

(iii) Improved salaries: Public servants are the least motivated to work because of their low salary and remuneration package. The government needs to review the salaries of public servants. When public servants are paid what is complementary to the cost of living, they will show more passion for their work which will result in improved services.

(iv) Use of technology in the public service: Public sector in Nigeria still makes use of traditional ways of performing its functions. It is very difficult for the public sector to catch up with standards in a fast-paced technological world. The government needs to invest in Information and technological tools to improve the quality of services.

(v) Human capital development and training: The inefficiency of public servants in Nigeria can be traced to a lack of training and poor human development and management. The government should also invest in good quality education from the school system.



i. *Obedience to law and order:* The citizens of the state are expected to obey the laws of the state so that orderliness can reign in the state.All the citizens should willingly and habitually obey the laws of the state. A democratic government is a government of the people themselves. Laws reflect their own will. There should not be, therefore, any hesitation in the obedience of laws.
ii. *Reporting of criminals* : A good citizen must perform the duties of reporting law breakers or any act of lawlessness to the police. It is the duty of every citizen to lend a hand of co-operation to public officials in the discharge of their duties. Every citizen should try to remove evils and crimes from society by rendering help to the officials concerned.
iii. *National service* : A good citizen should respond to the call to serve his/ her country. An example is the National youth service corps (NYSC).
iv. *Voting during election* : This is one of the political duties of a citizen. Good citizens are to exercise their voting rights during elections. A Nigerian citizen that has attained the age of 18 is expected to vote during election.



i. *Payment of taxes and rates* : This is a financial obligation of a citizen. Good citizens are expected to pay their taxes at the appropriate time. This will help he government to discharge their duties correctly.

ii. *Loyalty to the state* : It is the responsibility of Nigerian citizens to be firm and show constant support to their government. Your loyalty must not be divided.

*iii. Community Services* : A good citizen should volunteer and always try to offer whatever help you can for the community in which he or she is living in.

iv. *Respect for national symbols* : Nigerian national symbols are the national anthem, national flag, Nigerian currency, the coat of arms etc. All of these needed to be respected by the citizens.

(i)Decorum: Decorum is simply the to as requirement of correct behavior in polite society. It is the right behavior expected at a particular situation..Example is perfect silence among the students when the principal is speaking.

(ii)Obeying traffic rules and regulation: It is important for every road users to obey the traffic rules and regulation while driving and there is need for proper understanding proper understanding of the traffic rules and regulation.

(iii)Queuing culture: Queuing is an important way to maintain orderliness in the society. There may be need for us to queue up at some places where many people want to enjoy same services with us. This will help in letting things go in a well orderly manner. Examples of where queuing may be needed are petrol stations, ATM points, banks etc.

(iv)Listening skills: Good listening skills help us to avoid misunderstanding, embarrassment and mistakes. there is need to be attentive to ever information. Orderliness involves paying attention while others speak.

(v)Driving skills: Driving skills is needed before driving, it is important to go through the normal driving school process before prescribed by the authority concerned before making any attempt to drive.We demonstrate orderliness in driving by observing the traffic light and traffic regulations.
(i) Love: An interpersonal relationship characterized by passion, intimacy, trust and respect is called love. Individuals in a romantic relationship are deeply attached to each other and share a special bond.

(ii) Friendship: Friendship is an unconditional interpersonal relationship where individuals enter into by their own sweet will and choice. Friendship is a relationship where there are no formalities and individuals enjoy each other’s presence.

(iii) Platonic Relationship: A relationship between two individuals without any feelings or sexual desire for each other is called a platonic relationship. In such a relationship, a man and a woman are just friends and do not mix love with friendship.

(iv) Platonic relationships might end in romantic relationship with both the partners developing mutual love and falling for each other. Family Relationship Individuals related by blood or marriage are said to form a family.

(v) Professional Relationship (Work Relationship): Individuals working together for the same organization are said to share a professional relationship. Individuals sharing a professional relationship are called colleagues. Colleagues may or may not like each other.

*NUMBER (3)*

(i) Encouraging citizen participation in Government: The quality of service rendered by public services will be much better if citizens participated in governance and have platforms on which to express grievances and give feedback. This participatory governance helps to encourage accountability because it puts members and managers of public enterprises on their toes.

(ii) Reformation of code of bureau: The Code of Conduct Bureau is empowered by the constitution to support the Federal Government in curtailing unethical conduct, abuse of office, and other forms of corruption in the public service. Reforming the public service ensures that agencies are completely independent and free from political interference so that the provisions of the Code of Conduct can be enforced and corruption checked.

(iii) Improved salaries: Public servants are the least motivated to work because of their low salary and remuneration package. The government needs to review the salaries of public servants. When public servants are paid what is complementary to the cost of living, they will show more passion for their work which will result in improved services.

(iv) Use of technology in the public service: Public sector in Nigeria still makes use of traditional ways of performing its functions. It is very difficult for the public sector to catch up with standards in a fast-paced technological world. The government needs to invest in Information and technological tools to improve the quality of services.

(v) Human capital development and training: The inefficiency of public servants in Nigeria can be traced to a lack of training and poor human development and management. The government should also invest in good quality education from the school system.

We always gat you all…


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  • Thank you for the answering of the answering of neco questions.
    May God Almighty bless, protect and promote you.

  • Scholarshipbaze has been doing good and i hope this one does not go either ways but it should go smoothly , i cant wait to see the civic education answers 📌

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