List of Universities in Peru

List of Universities in Peru

The implementation, creation, and oversight of educational activities fall within the purview of the ministry of education. In public universities, tuition is free; nevertheless, students must pay a high price to attend private institutions.

A little over half of the population has a university degree, demonstrating the importance this nation places on its citizens’ education. There are more than 45,000 international students here, many of whom are from the continents of Asia and Africa.

The fact that there are 38 public institutions and 18 private universities is also astounding. Only citizens are eligible for employment; however, international students may work if they obtain a work visa.

List of Universities in Peru

Agrarian National University, La Molina:
Alas Peruanas University, Lima:
Andean University of Cusco, Cusco:
Antenor Orrego Private University, Trujillo:
Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University, Lima:
César Vallejo University, Trujillo:
Daniel Alcides Carrión National University, Cerro de Pasco:
Enrique Guzmán y Valle National University of Education, Chosica:
Federico Villarreal National University, San Miguel:
Hermilio Valdizán National University, Huánuco
Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University, Lima

Jorge Basadre Grohmann National University, Tacna
José Faustino Sánchez Carrión National University, Huacho
Marcelino Champagnat University, Lima
National Major San Marcos University, Lima
National University of Cajamarca, Cajamarca
National University of Callao, Callao
National University of Central Peru, Huancayo
National University of Engineering, Lima

National University of Huancavelica, Huancavelica
National University of Piura, Piura
National University of San Agustín, Arequipa
National University of San Martín, Tarapoto
National University of Santa, Chimbote
National University of the Altiplano, Puno

National University of Trujillo, Trujillo
National University of Tumbes, Tumbes
National University of Ucayali, Pucallpa
Néstor Cáceres Velásquez Andean University, Juliaca
Norbert Wiener University, Lima
Pedro Ruíz Gallo National University, Peru
Peruvian University of Applied Sciences, Lima
Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Lima

Private University of Chiclayo, Chiclayo
Private University of Tacna, Tacna
Private University of the North, Trujillo
Ricardo Palma University, Lima
Saint Ignatius of Loyola University, La Molina
Saint John the Baptist Private University, Lima
San Cristóbal of Huamanga National University, Ayacucho
San Luis Gonzaga National University, Ica
San Pablo Catholic University, Arequipa

Santa María Catholic University, Arequipa
Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo National University, Huaraz
Scientific University of the South, Lima
Technological University of Peru, Lima
The Andes Peruvian University, Huancayo
Union Peruvian University, Lima
University of Lima, Lima
University of Piura, Piura
University of San Martín de Porres, Lima
University of the Pacific, Lima
University of the Peruvian Amazonia, Iquitos
Women’s University of the Sacred Heart, Lima

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