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Ball State offers a wide variety scholarships and awards that outstanding high school students will want to explore.
Selected outstanding high school seniors are awarded a Ball State Scholars Award. The award is open to in-state and out-of-state students. This award pays for institutional charges for tuition, fees, and room and board. To check on your eligibility of this scholarship, please visit our scholarship calculator.
For Those Awarded 2019-20
In certain circumstances, other financial aid you receive may result in your award being reduced. All financial aid you receive, when combined with the Ball State Scholars Award, cannot exceed the total cost of attendance. Ball State Scholars must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0.
If the GPA drops below 3.0 at the end of the spring semester of any academic year, the scholarship will not be renewed. However, if the cumulative GPA is raised to a 3.0 at the end of the fall or summer semester, the award can be reinstated upon request. The award is awarded for a maximum of eight semesters of undergraduate study (ten semesters for students in an undergraduate major that requires a fifth year to complete). Recipients must enroll in on-campus classes as full-time, degree-seeking students.
Selected outstanding high school seniors are awarded a Distinction Scholarship. The award is open to in-state and out-of-state students. This award may pay institutional charges for tuition, fees, and room and board. To check on your eligibility of this scholarship, please visit our scholarship calculator
For Those Awarded 2019-20
In certain circumstances, other financial aid you receive may result in your award being reduced. All financial aid you receive, when combined with the Ball State Distinction Scholarship, cannot exceed the total cost of attendance. Distinction Scholars must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5. If the GPA drops below 2.5 at the end of the spring semester of any academic year, the scholarship will not be renewed.
However, if the cumulative GPA is raised to a 2.5 at the end of the fall or summer semester, the award can be reinstated upon request. The scholarship is awarded for a maximum of eight semesters of undergraduate study (ten semesters for students in an undergraduate major that requires a fifth year to complete). Recipients must enroll in on-campus classes as full-time, degree-seeking students.
The Harold Ellison Scholarship is available only to first-time freshmen who have graduated from schools in Delaware County, Indiana. The scholarship pays for full tuition, room, and board at Ball State University.
Applicants must be nominated by their high school guidance counselor and only if they have already been awarded the Ball State Presidential Scholarship. Students must demonstrate outstanding leadership, creativity, talent and academic achievement. Nomination forms are available from your guidance counselor.
The deadline to apply is February 1 of each year.
For more information contact:
First Merchants Private Wealth Advisors
Attn: Lauren Lewis
P.O. Box 1467
Muncie, Indiana 47308-1467
Telephone 765-747-1362
If you are a high school senior who has actively participated in academic and extracurricular activities and has been a leader in your high school and local community, you will want to apply for this award. The Emens Leadership Scholarship is open to both in-state and out-of-state students.
The number and the value of Emens Leadership Scholarships may vary slightly from year to year, but in recent years the value has been one-half the amount of in-state tuition. Six to 10 new scholarships have been awarded each year to incoming freshmen. These awards are for eight semesters and are subject to an annual review of the student’s leadership and academic progress.
The Emens Scholars form a lively community of leaders on campus. They meet as a group at least twice a year, and they support each other in their wide-ranging endeavors across campus both in and out of the classroom.
The Harry Watkins Scholarship is available to minority students.
This scholarship award amount varies, depending on availability of funds and needs of the individual. The scholarship is renewable for up to 8 semesters of consecutive enrollment.
To be eligible for consideration, you must:
To apply, please complete our online form below by the March 1st application deadline.
The Holmes-McFadden Journalism Scholarship is a renewable award, with preference given to an incoming minority student who plans to major in the Department of Journalism.
$1,000 scholarship ($500 per semester) can be renewed for three additional years, if funding is available.
Preference will be given to an incoming minority student who plans to major in the Department of Journalism. Student must maintain a minimum GPA of at least a 2.7 on a 4.0 scale. If the recipient leaves the study of journalism, he or she will no longer be eligible for the award.
To apply, please use our online form and have a PDF copy of your transcript and any supporting materials ready for upload. We are no longer accepting paper applications.
Ball State University offers a variety of scholarships to high-achieving students based on their admissions application, test scores, academic performance, and other factors. Not all students who meet the minimum qualifications will be offered a scholarship. The number of scholarships awarded each year is dependent on a variety of factors, including but not limited to the size and quality of the incoming freshman class. There is no additional application required for these scholarships and recipients will be notified as they are selected.
The Honors College Residency Award is awarded to a select group of Honors College applicants. The award pays up to $1,500 per year ($750 per semester for up to eight semesters) toward the following university room and board charges: residence hall room and board, university apartment rent, and/or commuter meal plans. A recipient must be an undergraduate enrolled in on-campus classes as a full-time degree seeking student.
Renewal: Students are required to maintain their status in the Honors College and a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.33. If the grade point average drops below the required 3.33 at the end of the spring semester of any academic year, the scholarship will not be renewed. However, if the cumulative grade point average is raised to a 3.33 or above at the end of the fall or summer semester, the award can be reinstated upon request.
Selected out-of-state high school seniors are awarded an Impact Grant. This award may pay institutional charges for tuition, fees, and room and board. In certain circumstances, other financial aid you receive may result in your award being reduced. All financial aid you receive, when combined with the Impact Grant, cannot exceed the total cost of attendance.
For Those Awarded 2019-20
In certain circumstances, other financial aid you receive may result in your award being reduced. All financial aid you receive, when combined with the Impact Grant, cannot exceed the total cost of attendance. Impact Grant students must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5. If the GPA drops below 2.5 at the end of the spring semester of any academic year, the scholarship will not be renewed. However, if the cumulative GPA is raised to a 2.5 at the end of the fall or summer semester, the award can be reinstated upon request. The grant is awarded for a maximum of eight semesters of undergraduate study (ten semesters for students in an undergraduate major that requires a fifth year to complete). Recipients must enroll in on-campus classes as full-time, degree-seeking students.
The Whitinger Scholarship is the signature scholarship of the Honors College and is the most prestigious scholarship awarded by Ball State University, honoring 10 exceptionally talented students each year. Established in 1976, the scholarship is supported by academic programs, social activities, and special opportunities as well as the funds for the scholarship itself.
The Whitinger Scholarship covers full tuition (in-state or out-of-state), mandatory university fees (those which apply automatically to all students), and on-campus room and board (a typical DeHority Complex shared double with the 14 meal/week plan) for eight semesters as an undergraduate at Ball State. Students who receive another merit based scholarship from the university (Presidential Scholarship, Ball State Scholars Award, etc.) will have that award apply to tuition and fees first and the Whitinger will apply to remaining tuition and fee charges, as well as on-campus room and board.
Requirements include returning the written application, an on-campus conversation with the director of the program or a representative of the committee, and a spontaneous essay.
Scholarship recipients are selected by committee based on their academic ability, character, creativity, and potential for leadership.
Eligibility for consideration includes:
Honors College applicants who qualify for the award will receive application materials by email on file with their Ball State application after applying to Ball State and the Honors College by the priority deadline of November 16, 2019.
All applicants are personally responsible for submitting their completed applications to the director of the program by December 6, 2020 by noon. Specific information is on the application form. We will not accept self-nominations or applications or nominations from schools.
We will notify finalists on or before December 18 to schedule an on-campus visit. All interviews must be completed by January 31, 2020.
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