Waec physics practical answers 2022

Waec physics practical answers 2022

Here is the waec physics answers for 2022, we will publish the waec physics practical answers here.

Physics practical answers

1b. A cone resting on its base
ii. A racing car with low Central gravity and wide base.
iii. A ball or sphere in the middle of a bowl

S/N: 1|| 2|| 3|| 4|| 5||

M(g): 20.00|| 40.00|| 60.00|| 80.00|| 100.00||

Z(cm): 40.00|| 35.00|| 30.00|| 25.00|| 20.00||

y(cm): 35.00|| 30.00|| 25.00|| 20.00|| 15.00||

x(cm): 10.00|| 15.00|| 20.00|| 25.00|| 30.00||

V: 0.2857|| 0.5000|| 0.8000|| 1.2500|| 1.2500|| 2.0000||

(i) I avoided parallax error when taking readings from the meter rule
(ii) I avoided drought by switching off the electric fans

An object is said to be in a stable equilibrium a slight displacement, the object tends to return back to its original position.


*For question 1*

Use your school’s *Mo = ???*

Use your school’s *m = ???*

Use your school’s *d = AG = ???*


(i) I avoided parallax error when taking readings from the meter rule

(ii) I avoided drought by switching off the electric fans


An object is said to be in a stable equilibrium a slight displacement, the object tends to return back to its original position.



-I ensured that all apparatus are in straight line

-I avoided error due to parallax when reading the metre rule

-I avoided zero error on the metre rule


The characteristics of image formed are:

-It is virtual

-It is enlarged and magnified ie twice or two times as big as the object m=2





Using 1/v+1/u=1/f


1/v =1/15-1/10

1/v =(2-3)/30





The concave mirror mounted in its holder is moved to and fro in front of the screen until a sharp image of the cross wire of the ray box is formed on the screen adjacent of the object.The distance between the mirror and the screen was measured as 30cm since the radius of curvature r=2fo then half is distance



The characteristics of imaged formed are :

i)It is virtual

ii) It is enlarged or magnified i.e. twice or two times bigger as the object(m=2)


(i)I will avoid Parallax error was avoided on ammeter
(ii)I will ensure Key opened when reading was not being taken
(iii)I will avoid sliding of jockey on the potentiometer wire.

R = PL/A
R = PL/A
Where; R is the resistance
P is the resistivity
L is the length
A is the cross sectional area

I = 0.75A
V = 240v
A = 10hrs
$0.5 per 1kwhr
Amount of electricity consumed or power consumed= IVt
= 1.8kwhr
$0.5 = 1kwhr
$x = 1.8kwhr
= 0.5*1.8 = 0.9
It will cost $0.9




  1. Sunny May 31, 2022
    • MyScholarshipBaze June 1, 2022
  2. Jamiu June 1, 2022

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