Islamic Studies WAEC Questions & Answers 2020

Islamic Studies WAEC Questions & Answers 2020

There will be two papers, Papers 1 and 2, both of which will be put into a composite paper to be taken at one sitting.

PAPER 1: Will comprise fifty multiple choice questions all of which should be answered within 50 minutes for 50 marks.
PAPER 2: Will consist of six essay questions one of which will be compulsory.

Candidates will be required to answer the compulsory question and any three of the optional ones in 2 hours for 100 marks.

NOTE: That this is a past questions from the previous years, We are going to update the main 2020 questions few hours before the exam and the answers. stay tuned, join our whatsapp or telegram group to get live answers and questions

Islamic Studies Objective Questions

1. The selection of a leader in the Jahiliyyah was based on
A. power.
B. age.
C. wisdom.
D. wealth.

2. The conquest of Makkah was as a result of the
A. eagerness of Muslims to return to Makkah.
B. violation of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah.
C. detention of the Prophet’s messengers.
D. invitation of the Prophet by Makkans.

3. The division of the Qur’an into Manzil is to facilitate its
A. recitation.
B. preservation.
C. interpretation.
D. Standardization.

4. The ninth year of hijrah is known as the
year of
A. Deputation
B. Elephant
C. Peace
D. Aqabah

5. The least authentic among the following is
A. Sahih.
B. Hasan.
C. Da ‘if.
D. Mawdu‘.

6. According to Hadith 34 of an-Nawawi, evil in society can be corrected by the
A. hand, tongue and heart.
B. sword, bow and arrow.
C. Mallam, Sultan and Shaykh.
D. teacher, politician and preacher.

7. The significance of Sadaqah is to
A. recognize the rich.
B. alleviate poverty.
C. accumulate wealth.
D. enrich the leader.

8. Disobedience of a Muslim wife can be checked by
A. taking her to court.
B. report ing her to her friends.
C. abandoning her in bed.
D. returning her to her parents.

Islamic Studies Essay Questions

1. Describe the religious conditions of the Arabs in the Jahiliyyah period.
2. Explain the causes and effects of the treaty of Hudaybiyyah.
3. Highlight six ways in which Islam has impacted on the people of West Africa.
4. Tanazzalulmalaikatu war-Ruhfiha….
(a) Identify the Surah in which the above ayah occurs.
(b) Complete the verse.
(c) Explain the lessons contained in the Surah

5. Discuss the three stages in which gambling were prohibited
6. Examine the three categories into which Hadith has been classified.
7. Write Hadith 4 of an-Nawawi in either Arabic orin transliteration. ranslate into Islamic Studies and comment on its teachings.
8. Explain the conditions necessary for a valid marriage in Islam.
9. Discuss the Qur’an as a major source of Shari‘ah.


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