cSwap✨Testnet Potential

cSwap✨Testnet Potential

🪄To Start Using cSwap, You Will Need To:

🔹Connect Keplr wallet by clicking on the Keplr chrome extension and entering your password. If you don’t have Keplr wallet, you can install it by clicking here.

🪄Get Testnet Faucets : https://discord.gg/TFPDrSmgYZ

– Go To “#request-faucet” channel in our Discord Server and type the command “$testnet <your wallet address>

🪄Join Telegram : https://t.me/cSwap_DEX

🪄 Follow Twitter : https://twitter.com/cSwap_DEX

🪄Test App Here : https://testnet.cswap.one

– Use All Features

😉Complete Guide : https://blog.comdex.one/how-to-use-cswap-dex-walkthrough-4904f75600b0

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