Biology Neco Answers 2024

Biology Neco Answers 2024


(i) Producers (plants, algae)

(ii) Consumers (animals, insects)

(iii) Decomposers (bacteria, fungi)


(i) Mandibles (jaws)

(ii) Maxillae (maxilla)

(iii) Labium (lower lip)


(i) Blood enters the glomerulus under high pressure, causing water, salts, glucose, and waste products to filter out of the blood into Bowman’s capsule, forming a filtrate.

(ii) As the filtrate moves through the proximal convoluted tubule, loop of Henle, and distal convoluted tubule, essential substances like glucose, certain ions, and water are reabsorbed back into the blood.

(iii) Additional waste products and excess ions are secreted from the blood into the tubular fluid. The final product, urine, moves from the collecting ducts into the renal pelvis, down the ureters, and into the bladder for storage before excretion.


(i) Malleus (hammer)

(ii) Incus (anvil)




(i) Converts light energy into chemical energy stored in glucose.

(ii) Produces oxygen as a by-product


(i) Converts chemical energy in glucose into usable energy (ATP).

(ii) Produces carbon dioxide as a by-product


(i) Wings (modified forelimbs)

(ii) Hollow bones (reduced weight)

(iii) Lightweight skeleton (reduced weight)

(iv) Powerful muscles (for wing movement)


-Pollen from anther (male part) is transferred to stigma (female part)

-Pollination occurs through agents like bees, butterflies, wind, or water

-Fertilization occurs when pollen germinates and sperm reaches the egg

-Seed formation and fruit development follow successful pollination


(i) Long, sticky tongue (for catching prey)

(ii) Specialized teeth (for holding onto prey)

(iii) Webbed feet (for movement and hunting




(i) Carry blood away from the heart

(ii) No valves (except for the pulmonary artery and aorta)

(iii) Narrower lumen compared to veins

(iv) Thick, muscular, and elastic walls


(i) Carry blood towards the heart

(ii) Valves present to prevent backflow of blood

(iii) Wider lumen compared to arteries

(iv) Thinner, less muscular, and less elastic walls


(i) Phototropism (growth towards light)

(ii) Geotropism (growth towards gravity)

(iii) Hydrotropism (growth towards water)

(iv) Thigmotropism (growth towards touch)


(i) Loss of fertile land and decreased agricultural productivity

(ii) Increased sedimentation in water bodies, harming aquatic ecosystems




Diagram of the male reproductive system:


(i) Oxygen (O?)

(ii) Glucose (C?H??O?)


(i) Humerus

(ii) Radius

(iii) Ulna




(i) Insulin (regulates blood sugar levels)

(ii) Adrenaline (responds to stress)

(iii) Growth Hormone (regulates growth and development)


-Amoeba: Contractile vacuole

-Hydra: Diffusion through body surface

-Earthworm: Nephridia

-Grasshopper: Malpighian tubules


(1) Mitochondria: Generates energy for the cell through cellular respiration

(2) Lysosomes: Contains digestive enzymes to break down and recycle cellular waste and foreign substances






(i) Leaf Venation; Parallel venation

(ii) Number of Flower Parts; Usually in multiples of three


(i) Leaf Venation; Reticulate (net-like) venation

(ii) Number of Flower Parts; Usually in multiples of four or five


(i) Fossil Record: Shows changes in species over time, with transitional forms demonstrating common ancestry.

(ii) Comparative Anatomy: Homologous structures (e.g., limb bones in vertebrates) indicate common ancestry.

(iii) Molecular Biology: DNA and protein sequence similarities among different species suggest evolutionary relationships.

(iv) Biogeography: Distribution of species across different geographical areas supports patterns of evolution and migration.


(i) Hinge Joint

(ii) Ball-and-Socket Joint

(iii) Pivot Joint








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