Drug addiction can be defined as a progressive disease that may affect a person’s or ones brain and behavior and leads to an inability to control the use of a legal or illegal drug or medication.
(i) Stimulants.
(ii) Narcotics.
(iii) Tranquilizers.
(iv) Psychedelic or hallucinogens.
(i) As an Act of Rebellion:
Some drink alcohol to be a rebel. They want to defy the rules and show that they are different from all the others.
(ii) Peer Pressure:
Peer pressure is one of the most prominent reasons for drinking among people of all categories. Being afraid that you might be isolated or discarded from a group of people and doing an activity.
(iii) For Fun:
People generally tend to drink alcohol in order to have fun. Being drunk makes them feel happy and “spirited,” and drinking alcohol with friends can be a fun experience.
A refugee are people who leave their home area for their own safety or survival
(i) Food
(ii) Shelter
(i) NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturers Association
(ii) UNFPA: United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency.
3ai) Causative organism: Vibrio cholerae bacteria
(3aii) Mode of transmission:
– by drinking water or eating food contaminated with cholera bacteria
– the feces of an infected person that contaminates water or food.
– inadequate treatment of sewage and drinking water.
(3aiii) Symptoms:
– Rapid heart rate
– Loss of skin elasticity
– Low blood pressure
– Muscle cramps
(3aiv) Preventive/control measures:
– Avoid raw shellfish and most other raw foods
– Wash your hands often
– Use bottled or boiled water to brush your teeth or prepare food
– Leishmaniasis
– Toxoplasmosis
Immunization is the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease, typically by the administration of a vaccine.
– Measles
– Poliomyelitis
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