DOST Scholarship Results 2021

O F F I C I A L  L I S T  O F  Q U A L I F I E R S   F O R  T H E  D O S T- S E I  2 0 2 1

S C I E N C E  A N D  T E C H N O L O G Y  U N D E R G R A D U A T E  S C H O L A R S H I P S

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST), through the Science Education Institute (SEI), announces the names of the qualifiers for the 2021 S&T

Undergraduate Scholarships. Each qualifier shall receive a notice of award from the DOST-SEI or the DOST Regional Office stating the date of orientation and contract signing.

The qualifiers shall report at the designated venue with a parent/legal guardian who must bring a valid passport or any government-issued ID card.

The legal guardian is required to submit a notarized affidavit of guardianship.

The new scholarship awardees must seek admission in any of the priority S&T Programs of study in-state colleges and universities;

CHED-recognized Centers of Excellence/Centers of Development and institutions with FAAP Level III accreditation for the programs they intend to enroll in. Qualifiers with an asterisk (*) have lacking document/s and they will be advised accordingly in the notice of award.

The following are the DOST Scholarship Results qualifiers of 2021
S&T Undergraduate Scholarship



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