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The Adlerbert Study Scholarship will be awarded to five scholars in 2022 to students who are citizens of one of 143 countries. The scholarship comprises a full tuition fee waiver and is funded by the Adlerbert Foundation. The scholarship opportunity is open to all Masters’s programs studied at the University. The selection is based on the applicants’ relative academic excellence, which primarily includes weighted average grade but also the home University’s stature (including a position on global ranking lists) and priority order of the application for Chalmers Master’s Programmes.
The Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg conducts research and education in technology and natural sciences at a high international level. Chalmers was founded in 1829 and has the same motto today as it did then which is Avancez – forward.
The university has 3100 employees and 10,000 students and offers education in engineering, science, shipping, and architecture. With scientific excellence as a basis, Chalmers promotes knowledge and technical solutions for a sustainable world. Through global commitment and entrepreneurship, we foster an innovative spirit, in close collaboration with wider society. The EU’s biggest research initiative – the Graphene Flagship – is coordinated by Chalmers. The University is also leading the development of a Swedish quantum computer.
Chalmers offer around 40 master’s programs taught entirely in English. They prepare their master’s students for a truly international career, with a global focus attracting students from over 60 countries. Chalmers is an exciting and dynamic university, where sustainability, innovation, and an entrepreneurial outlook are vital parts of all that they do. As a student, you get to receive guest lectures from important industry figures and make study visits to relevant workplaces
The scholarship award is fully funded by the foundation which means it will cover 100% of the tuition fees ( for a duration of 4 semesters/2 year program).
• The first criterion is to be a citizen of one of the 143 countries below;
• Afghanistan, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Armenia, Albania, Angola, Kenya, Bolivia, Algeria, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Cabo Verde, Antigua and Barbuda2, Benin, Zimbabwe, Cameroon, Argentina, Bhutan, Congo, Azerbaijan, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Belaru, Burundi, Egypt, Belize, Cambodia El Salvador, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Central African Republic, Georgia, Botswanan, Chad, Ghana, Brazil, Comoros, Guatemalaz, Chile2, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guyana, Djibouti Honduras, Colombi, Equatorial, Guinea1, Cook Islands, Eritrea, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Kosovo, Cuba, Gambia, Kyrgyzstan, Dominica, Guinea Micronesia, Dominican, Republic, Guinea-Bissau, Moldova, Ecuador, Haiti, Mongolia, Fij, Kiribati, Morocco, Former Yugoslav, Republic of Macedonia, Lao, People’s Democratic Republic Nicaragua, Gabon, Lesotho, Nigeria, Grenada, Liberia, Pakistan, Iran, Madagascar, Papua, New Guinea, Iraq, Malawi, Paraguay, Jamaica, Mali, Philippines, Jordan, Mauritania, Samoa, Kazakhstan, Mozambique, Sri Lanka, Lebanon, Myanmar, Swaziland, Libya, Nepal, Syrian, Arab Republicz Malaysia, Niger, Tokelau, Maldives, Rwanda, Ukraine, Marshall Islands, Sao Tome and Principe Uzbekistan, Mauritius, Senegal, Viet Nam, Mexico, Sierra Leone, West Bank and Gaza Strip Montenegro, Solomon Islands, Montserrat, Somalia, Namibia, South Sudan, Nauru, Sudan, Niue, Tanzania, Palau, Timor-Leste, Panama, Togo, Peru, Tuvalu, Saint Helena, Uganda, Saint Lucia, Vanuatu1, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Yemen, Serbia, Zambia, Seychelles, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Tonga, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uruguay, Venezuela
Application is open to only 1st year Master’s program applicants.
Begin by applying for a Master’s program
Scholarship applications will be processed when the corresponding online application for Master’s programs at has been completed, including having submitted all the required documentation verifying your eligibility and having paid the application fee. Only applicants fulfilling the eligibility requirements for the Master’s programs applied for will finally be considered for a scholarship.
• The instructions below are general and apply to all applicants. That is applicants with international as well as Swedish Bachelor’s degrees, and applicants with a Swedish personal identity number and/or Swedish citizenship included.
• Find the Chalmers Master’s program of your interest
• Make sure that you read through the general and specific entry requirements for the program before applying. Use the list of required documents as a checklist and be sure to prepare your documentation well in advance of the deadline.
• Submit your online application at (in English) or (in Swedish). You can apply for a maximum of four programs (at Chalmers or from several universities).
• Complete your application by submitting the supporting documentation to your account.
• Always check the List of required documents for all applicants to Chalmers
• Further instructions regarding country-specific requirements are available at
• Pay the application fee, if this applies to you.
• If you are one of the fee-paying applicants, you may separately apply for the scholarships administrated by Chalmers.
• Chalmers Admissions will not pre-assess any supporting documentation or make any predictions of the chances of getting an admission.
• Kindly do not send any documents directly to Chalmers Admissions. Weblinks or e-mail attachments cannot be considered via emails.
A complete application will be assessed on both national and local levels; by the Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR) and Chalmers Admissions.
• Chalmers has a high number of applications and you must make sure that you have checked and completed your application according to the list of required documents. Missing documents cannot be submitted after the stipulated deadline.
• Once you have submitted a complete application and the application fee is paid on time (if applicable), the status of your application may show, and change between unqualified/qualified/in progress up until you receive the official Notification of Selection Results
Then rank your programs; The ranking of the Master’s programs that you applied for is crucial for the assessment of your scholarship application. To maximize your chances of being offered a scholarship from Chalmers you should select a Master’s program at Chalmers as your number one (1) priority. In the application, it is possible to add a total of four (4) choices. The Master’s program you prefer should be added as your number one (1) alternative.
Read the scholarship requirements; Read the requirements for each of the scholarships thoroughly before submitting your application.
To begin your application for the Chalmers Master programs, visit the website via;
For more information on the scholarship, visit the scholarship page via;
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