WAEC CRS AND IRS Answers 2021

WAEC CRS AND IRS Answers 2021

Here is the waec CRS AND IRs answers for 2021.

WAEC CRS AND IRS Answers 2021…loaded



God’s hand was at work to save Jacob and his family. Joseph was equipped by God from childhood with the power of dream interpretation. While under the service of Potiphar he was imprisoned and in prison, he exhibited this rare talent by interpreting dreams for his fellow prisoners, among whom were the chief butler and the chief baker.

Pharaoh had two dreams; the first was the dream of seven sleek and fat cows and seven gaunt and thin cows that came out from the Nile. The gaunt and, thin ate up the sleek and fat cows. The second was the dream of seven ears of grains, plump and good growing on one stalk and after them sprouted seven ears thin and blighted by the wind. The thin ears swallowed the seven plump and full ears. The dreams gave Pharaoh great concern, and none of his magicians was able to interprete them. The chief butler for whom Joseph successfully interpreted his dream, brought to the knowledge of Pharaoh Joseph’s power of dream interpretation.

Joseph was called out of the prison as directed by Pharaoh, and he was able to tell Pharaoh that the dreams represented divine revelation concerning the approaching seven years of plentiful agricultural harvest to be followed by seven years of intensive famine. Joseph went further to suggest that a wise person be appointed by Pharaoh to oversee the storage of food during the seven years of plenty, against the years of famine. Joseph was appointed not only the overseer of the storage of food, but the governor of Egypt and the second in command to Pharaoh. Joseph was renamed Zaphenath-Paneah by Pharaoh. Joseph was able to discharge the function effectively, and thus stored food in abundance during the season of plenty. The food was sold to the Egyptians and the entire world during the famine.


(ii)Leaders should be men of integrity,honesty and humility and they should always be ready to serve.

(ii)Christian should Always humble themselves and be at peace with everybody because they do not know who God will use to bless them.

(iii)No human effort can stop one’s destiny once one trusts and serve God diligently


There are certain conditions that will make a Christian prayers effective, and answerable. Some of them are:

(i)Faith : Faith is defined in Hebrews 11.1 as, ‘The assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.’ It is an absolute trust in God and in His power. James advised that while we are addressing our problems to God, we should ask in faith, without doubt.

(ii)Righteousness: This means purity of heart. For our prayers to be effective, we must endeavour to abstain from sin. However, James, having known the moral weakness of man, advised that in order to place ourselves and our prayers at an acceptable status before God, we should confess our sins to one another. We should also show remorse and ask for forgiveness. The prayer of a righteous man has great effect and power.

(iii)Fervency: For our prayers to be effec tive, we must pray with con centration, seriousness and sincerity. A good example was the prayer of Elijah. He prayed fervently to God that it might not rain. For three years and six months, it did not rain on earth. When he prayed again, heaven sent rain.

(iv)Perseverance: Praying persistently with steady effort, and trusting God is necessary for fruitfulness in our prayer life

(v)Patience: This is built on the belief that God’s time is the best. It in volves praying and trusting God, and allowing Him to have His way.

(vi)Humility: It means lowliness of heart and absence of self-exaltation. For our prayers to be effective, we must show total surrender and submission to God.


(i) Petition

(ii) Thanksgiving




The early church included Jews born and bred in Palestine. It also included those Jews born and bred in other nations such as Greece. Possibly there were non-Jewish members too.

The Apostles engaged in evangelism and the number of believers increased considerably. They lived a communal life involving the distribution of needed items among the members.

At a point, the Greek members of the church complained that those who served the tables were discriminating against their widows in the distribution of the items.

When this matter got into the ears of the Apostles, they called the members together and told them it was not proper that they leave the work of preaching the gospel to serve tables. So the people should select from among themselves seven people to serve the tables. The people to be chosen must be men of repute, and be full of the spirit and wisdom.

In the end, seven men of repute were chosen. They included Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas and Nicolaus. The seven were presented to the Apostles who prayed and laid their hands on them.

The main duty of the seven deacons were to serve tables to stop discrimnaton.


(i) It can lead to loss of selfworth or self-esteem

(ii) It leads to inability to employ or choose the right people for a particular office or position

(iii) It leads to wrong decision-making



The Profession of Faith,; The Shahada

The Profession of Faith, the shahada, is the most fundamental expression of Islamic beliefs. It simply states that “There is no God but God and Muhammad is his prophet.” It underscores the monotheistic nature of Islam. It is an extremely popular phrase in Arabic calligraphy and appears in numerous manuscripts and religious buildings.


Daily Prayers; Salat

Muslims are expected to pray five times a day. This does not mean that they need to attend a mosque to pray; rather, the salat, or the daily prayer, should be recited five times a day. Muslims can pray anywhere; however, they are meant to pray towards Mecca. The faithful pray by bowing several times while standing and then kneeling and touching the ground or prayer mat with their foreheads, as a symbol of their reverence and submission to Allah. On Friday, many Muslims attend a mosque near midday to pray and to listen to a sermon, khutba.


Alms-Giving; Zakat

The giving of alms is the third pillar. Although not defined in the Qu’ran, Muslims believe that they are meant to share their wealth with those less fortunate in their community of believers.


Fasting during Ramadan; Saum

During the holy month of Ramadan, the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, Muslims are expected to fast from dawn to dusk. While there are exceptions made for the sick, elderly, and pregnant, all are expected to refrain from eating and drinking during daylight hours.


Pilgrimage to Mecca; Hajj

All Muslims who are able are required to make the pilgrimage to Mecca and the surrounding holy sites at least once in their lives. Pilgrimage focuses on visiting the Kaaba and walking around it seven times. Pilgrimage occurs in the 12th month of the Islamic Calendar.

Bonus *CRS*




According to (1 Peter 2: 13-17) Peter stated necessary requirements a citizen must have to be a responsible citizen.

Firstly, a good Christian citizen is one who abides by the law of the land as he obeys the law of God. He contributes his quota towards the development of the society.

A good Christian citizenship is the art of having right attitude towards duties and obligations towards the nation and the civil authority.

Peter urges Christians to submit themselves for God’s sake to those in authority. This means that Christians are to be loyal, obedient, respectful and should respect those in authority e.g. kings, governors, judges and other lawful authorities.

Peter said a good Christian citizen is the one who respects the authorities and the rulers who have been appointed by God to punish evil doers and praise those who do the right thing.

Peter said Christians are free from bondage of Sin and not from obedience

to God’s law. Therefore, a good citizen should live as a free person without using his freedom as a protest for evil, but should live as a servant of God.

Above all, should honour all men, love the brotherhood of Christians and other citizens, fear God and honour the rulers and the kings.


(i) A good citizen should maintain self discipline,good citizenship is an important attribute of a good Christian.

(ii)A good citizen should pay tax,rate,levy ,fine etc promptly.

(iii)A good christian must be obedient to the power that exist and avoid making derogatory statement to constituted authority



Hadith is the name of that body of literature which includes the Prophet (SAW)’s speech, his action, his intention, the description of his physical appearance,or his moral character, and what he confirmed by raising no objection against it when mentioned or happened before him. In other words the hadiths constitute the theory and the major holy texts for most members of the Islamic faith. A fairly small number of fundamentalist Quranists reject the ahadith as authentic holy texts.


Sunnah is that practice of the Prophet (reported by a hadith) which he performed habitually,or regularly. In other words Sunnah are the traditions and practices of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, that constitute a model for Muslims to follow. The sunnah is what all the Muslims of Muhammad’s time evidently saw and followed and passed on to the next generations.



The Messenger of Allah will have to return to Madina instead of having entered Mecca that year. The Muslim shall perform their pilgrimage in the upcoming year and they would stay in peace at Mecca for three days with no arms except sheathed swords.


There will be a truce between both parties for ten years, whereby during this period all the people may enjoy safety and harmony.


Whoever wishes to enter into a covenant with the Prophet will be allowed to do so, and whoever wishes to enter into a covenant with the Quraish will be allowed to do so. Whoever enters into any one of the parties will be considered part of that party. Likewise, any sort of exaggeration on them will be considered exaggeration against that party.


Whoever flees to Muhammad from Mecca without the permission of his guardians will be sent back to the Quraysh, but whoever comes to the Quraysh from the Muslims will not be sent back to the Muslims. The writer of the treaty was Ali Ibn Abu Taleb.



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