i. Name of the firm as determined by all
ii. Name and details of all the partners of the firm.
iii. The date on which business commenced.
iv. Firm’s existence duration.
v. amount of capital contributed by each
vi. Profit sharing ratio between the
Share premium can be thought of as the difference between the par value of a company’s shares and the total amount a company received for shares recently issued.
Goodwill is an int angible asset that is associated with the purchase of one company by another.
A bank statement is a list of all transactions for a bank account over a set period, usually monthly. The statement includes deposits, charges, withdrawals, as well as the beginning and ending balance for the period
Share premium can be thought of as the difference between the par value of a company’s shares and the total amount a company received for shares recently issued. For example, Company ABC has issued 300 shares of its stock. … Thus, the company has $4,500 in equity capital. Of this $4,500, only $3,000 is share capital…
Goodwill in accounting is an intangible asset that arises when a buyer acquires an existing business. Goodwill representation assets that are not separately identifiable.
Confirm if Your Mobile Number Will be blocked by NCC Confirm if Your Mobile Number(s)…
How To Register For NIN NIN stands for National identification number. How to register for…
Nigeria Customs Service recruitment 2023 We are glad to inform you that the Nigeria Customs…
ABUTH ZARIA Medical internship schedule ABUTH Management has scheduled a medical internship interview as observed…
Medical internship at university of port-Harcourt The following vacancies exist: - Medical House Officers -…
How to Check Crescent University, Abeokuta, Admission The Crescent University, Abeokuta, (CUA) administration has released…
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