Here is the Neco CRS ANSWERS 2022
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21-30 : CABBBC####
31-40 : ####DEBECE
41-50 : CDB#######
51-60 : #BEDBACDDC
More Coming…!
As Jesus went further after calling his first four disciples(Peter, Andrew, James, John), he saw a tax collector named Levi sitting at the tax office. He called him and the man followed him. Later the man made a feast in his house and Christ was there with many other tax collectors sitting at the table with him. This made the Pharisees murmur against Christ that he was eating and drinking with tax collectors and Sinners. To this allegation, Christ replied; “Those who are well have no need of physician, but those who are sick; I have not come to call the righteous, but Sinners to repentance.” Thus, Levi, also called Matthew, was the fifth disciple to be called according to the gospel of Luke and other synoptic gospels.
(i) Jews sees tax collectors as sinners
(ii) They see them as reminder of Roman domination.
(iii) They see them as unclean.
(iv) They see them as backsliders and betrayers.
(v) They see them as tool of foreign(Roman) oppression.
(i) They should look after the flock of Christ with tenderness.
(ii) They should not regard their assignment as a burden, rather, they should discharge their duties willingly.
(iii) They should not tender the flocks for shameful material gain but eagerness.
(iv) They are not to be overbearing, but serving as true example/role model to the flock.
(v) They would reap their
due reward in due course when the Lord comes.
(vi) Leaders should humble themselves under the mighty hand of God for God to exalt them.
(vi) They must be sober and watchful because Satan is roaring around looking for whom to
(vii) They should resist Satan at all costs and be firm in their faith.
(viii) They are to Suffering for christ as part of the Christian life.
(i) Problem of handling the youth.
(ii) Rivalry between the youth and elders.
(iii) External opposition form Government.
Neco Crs
Saul was a young man born in Tarsus. He was educated in Jerusalem and he studied law under the great teacher, Gamaliel. The Roman name of Saul was Paul He was among the Pharisees who persecuted the early Christians. Stephen was killed under his supervision. After the death of Stephen, he went from house to house in Jerusalem arresting and dragging christians out of their homes and taking them prisoners. Saul succeeded in killing many christians. Most of the christians fled from Jerusalem and went to places such as Judea, Samaria and Damascus among others. Saul went to the high priest and obtain a letter to go to Damascus and arrest the Christians. On his way to Damascus, he heard the voice of the lord saying “Saul who do you persecute me?” After his encounter with the Lord, he went blind but later healed by Ananias. Saul then realized the power of Yahweh and became a convert. Also his name was changed from Saul to Paul.
(i) There is room for sinner who repents in christ.
(ii) No matter the gravity of the sin committed, Christ still loves everyone.
(iii) Nobody can be condemned totally to sin as man can change at any time.
(iv) Sinners are prominent and important tools to Christ.
(v) Anyone can be used for the progress of the ministry of Christ.
(vi) Christ overlooks past so as to better the future usefulness of anyone.
*NUMBER (1)*
Joshua gathered all Israel to Shechem and told the people their history from Abraham to Moses, He emphasized God’s abiding faith with Israel making them owners of the land of the Amorites. He reminded them of the saving acts of God. in their history, With all these favours, they must serve God and put away all foreign gods, Alternatively, they should decide on whom to serve, Joshua told the people that as for him and his family, they would serve the lord, The Israelites also said they would put away other gods serve the Lord, Who had been faithful to them, Joshua reminded them that God is Holy and jealous, He will not forgive their sins/unfaithfulness should they forsake God they would be punished, He told them not to break their promise, They must put away all false gods and serve God with sincerity, Joshua wrote down the laws of God, put a stone to witness, should they deal falsely with God.
(i) Joshua was a man of humility.
(ii) A Man Of Faith And Trust In God.
(iii) His ways of life as a role model for his people,
(iv) His ability to convince and advise the people to accept his views.
(v) A Man Of God’s Word.
(vi) He was a good political leader.
(vii) His courage to call the people together
*NUMBER (2)*
Ahab was the king of Israel in Samaria. A man of Jezebel, named Naboth had his vineyard near Ahab’s Palace and Ahab wanted to acquire the vineyard. Naboth was not willing to part with the land which he had inherited.
Ahab became disappointed and he refused to eat in his house. When the wife of Ahab (Jezebel) learnt of the cause of her husband’s unhappiness, she cheered him up and assured him that she would give the vineyard to him. Jezebel wrote letters and sealed them with Ahab’s seal. In the letters she instructed the elders of Israel to proclaim a feast, causing God and the king and to him death. These orders were quickly carried out and Naboth was stoned to death. Ahab took possession of the vineyard as soon as he heard of the death of Naboth.
The Lord was not happy with the murder of Naboth and He sent prophet Elijah to warn Ahab that dogs would lick his blood at the same spot where Naboth’s blood was licked up by dogs. When Elijah met Ahab to deliver the Lord’s message to him, Ahab asked him ” have you found me O my enemy”? Elijah answered that he had found him and then told Ahab the grave punishment of death that awaited him and his posterity because of his wicked acts and idolatry. He told Ahab that Jezebel’s body would be eaten by dogs within the bound of Jezreel.
After hearing this message, Ahab fasted and mourned before the Lord. His humility and penitence pleased the Lord and so the Lord told Elijah that the punishment would not be visited on his family in Ahab’s days but would surely come to pass during the reign of his son.
*NUMBER (3)*
Upon Solomon’s death, the powerful and rich kingdom of Israel was split in two. Both the northern and southern kingdoms suffered from godless leadership, but the worst king was Manasseh, who sacrificed his own sons in the fire of Molech and put an idol of the Canaanite fertility goddess in the temple in Jerusalem.
Josiah, Manasseh’s grandson, became king of Judah when he was only eight years old. Unlike his father and grandfather, Josiah tore down the pagan altars, pounded the stone idols into powder, and began repairing the temple. During the repair, Hilkiah, the high priest, found “the Book of the Law of the Lord given by Moses,” perhaps in a dusty unused corner of the Temple or in an area being repaired. During the previous almost 60 years when the people were worshipping pagan idols, no one had read the Word of God.
Hilkiah gave the book, probably Deuteronomy, to Shaphan the scribe, and Shaphan took it to the king. Josiah wanted to “do what was right in the sight of the Lord,” but his knowledge of what God wanted was based on tradition and hearsay. Now he listened to the words of God.
“Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is one!” “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” “You shall teach [God’s commandments] diligently to your children.”
King Josiah, who had torn down the pagan altars, heard Shaphan read, “You shall have no other gods before Me.” He also heard, “If you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, . . , the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you . . . because you obey the voice of the Lord your God.”
Josiah was humbled and tore his clothes, a sign of repentance. For nearly 60 years the Word of God had not been heard in Judia.
Josiah brought all the people together and Josiah himself read “in their hearing” the book that had been found. He then committed “to follow the Lord and to keep his commandments.”
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