List of Universities in Botswana

List of Universities in Botswana

Botswana has been working hard over the past ten years to develop a solid postsecondary education system by putting knowledge, human capital, and local and foreign financing into it.

The main objective is to raise the gross enrollment ratio in higher education from 11.4 percent in 2007–08 to at least 17 percent by 2016–the year of our nation’s 50th anniversary–and to 25 percent by 2026.

In 1974, the Institute of Development Management was founded as a regional university with campuses in Swaziland, Lesotho, and Botswana.

The Botswana Institute of Administration and Commerce (, the Botswana College of Distance and Open Learning (, and the Botswana College of Agriculture ( are other tertiary institutions.
96% of people between the ages of 15 and 24 are literate (2012).

Universities in Botswana

2008–2009 saw a high in tertiary enrollment at both private and state universities.

The goal is to make Botswana an international student magnet and a center of excellence for higher education.

To promote Botswana as a location for higher study, an education center has been established.

List of Universities in Botswana

Below is the list of universities in Botswana;

Baisago University:
Botho University:
Botswana Accountancy College:
Botswana College of Agriculture:
Botswana College of Distance and Open Learning:
Botswana Institute of Accountants

Botswana Institute of Administration and Commerce:
Botswana International University of Science & Technology
Botswana Polytechnic
College of Agriculture
Francistown College
Gaborone Institute of Professional Studies
Institute of Development Management
Limkokwing University Of Creative Technology

Limkokwing University
Livingstone Kolobeng College
University of Botswana


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