Hello everyone, how are you doing? Well, I have received a lot of these messages from candidates hoping to write jamb 2023.
I wish to clear this up once and for all so that even newbies and every other person will be informed.
Last year, 2022 we had some issues when our plugs for the jamb expo started acting funny when we asked a series of questions.
Now straight to the point, jamb questions differ from one candidate to another and so will the answers differ.
My number 2 questions for all Science students in chemistry are never the same and you can not get the answers if you do not see the questions. Now for jamb expos to be real, you need to first see the person’s questions before knowing and supplying the answers.
Now only 1 percent of people who claim they do jamb expo can actually do jamb expo, and the only Avenue in which it’s possible is when they sit to write the exam for you by themselves, outside that, the rest is rubbish.
Do not fall for anything jamb expo, they will chop your money. On that note, MSB will not be having anything like a jamb expo in 2023 and onwards.
We will make a write-up on how we will help candidates pass their jamb, join our Whatsapp group and stay tuned. We care.
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For real I love this post
thank you, your link is removed though