How much to join forsage in Nigeria

 How much to join forsage in Nigeria

This is the simplest way on How to join Forsage smart contract and earn alot of money on etheruem technology using your trust wallet.

forsage requires you have etheruem of about 0.07 eth in your trust wallet to register and after that you can start earning massively from spill overs and overflows.

how much to join forsage in Nigeria now depends solemnly on the cost of one etheruem to Naira in the black market, you need at least 0.09 etheurem to join forsage, this is due to the increased gas fee in joining etheurem. The black market of dollar to naira is capped currently at 480 naira per 1 dollar.

note: You can earn massively on forsage without referring anyone. This means you will earn very well if you dont bring people, You can do this by buying slot, this increases your spill over earnigs.

NOTE: before you chat me on whatsapp, make sure you have money to buy etheruem. or you have funded your trust wallet with 0.077 etheruem. This is for serious minded people. If you are not ready to pay for etheruem do not bother to chat me up. I have seen alot of time wasters, do not be one of them. Here is my whatsapp

How to join Forsage smart contract

1. download Trust wallet from playstore for andriod users, or token pocket for iphone users
2. Create a wallet
3. Please save the 12 phrases somewhere for future sake
4. Rearrange the phrases as it was before
5. Click on ethereum
6. Click on copy to get your wallet address
7. now you have to fund your wallet using the wallet id you copied, you send it to anyone that will send you the etheruem you need.

8. Purchase your 0.077 ethereum which the dollar $ equivalent varies with time
9. after you don purchase, you copy this link  

and paste on the space with the arrow on this picture below

click enter to enter to the platform right inside your wallet, forsage site will open Click JOIN NOW,

6)click register, it will land you to a payment dashboard, approve the payment and wait for it to confirm.

7) once your payment is confirmed, it takes a little while for it to be confirmed, after that then you are done and ready to start your journey on forsage

8) if you have difficulty in registering, chat me up for me to guide you asap, and join my hot team where you earn from overflows and spill overs.

NOTE: before you chat me on whatsapp, make sure you have money to buy etheruem. or you have funded your trust wallet with 0.077 etheruem. This is for serious minded people. If you are not ready to pay for etheruem do not bother to chat me up. I have seen alot of time wasters, do not be one of them. Here is my whatsapp

READ The cost of forsage registration fee

read also the forsage review, know if its scam or real

you can join our forsage group chat here


I love surfing the web and providing great information for my readers. I am an Editor At

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