Fully-funded scholarships in Canada 2022

Fully-funded scholarships in Canada are highly sought by many international and local students, seeming to obtain a degree from an institution in Canada.

Canada is being considered the home of high academic excellence, which makes many international student troops in and out of the country.

However, the cost of education in Canada can be discouraging, which is why many seek a scholarship to be able to achieve their aim of schooling in Canada.

Notwithstanding, there are varieties of scholarships available In Canada, so lack of money shouldn’t be an excuse for you not to study in Canada.

Furthermore, All the scholarships that will be discussed here, are fully-funded scholarships in Canada, which means the scholarship will cover

  • Travel expenses
  • Monthly allowances
  • Handout and textbook fees etc

Fully-funded scholarships in Canada are arranged in Canada either by an individual or the government to help the less privileged fulfill their dream.

However, among the numerous fully-funded scholarships in Canada, the below list rank the best, and easy to get a scholarship.

  • Vanier Canada graduate scholarship

This fully-funded scholarship in Canada by the Vanier committee is worth $50,000 per year for three years and can be used to obtain a bachelor’s degree, Master’s, and Ph.D. degree.

To apply for the scholarship, visit the Vanier Canada graduate scholarship

  • Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship

These scholarships are awarded to students doing their postgraduate studies and require financial help. However, this fully-funded scholarship in Canada is only available to Canadian residents only. To apply for the scholarship, go to https://banting.fellowships-bourses.gc.ca/en/home-accueil.html

and obtain your registration form.
  • IDRS Doctoral Research Awards.

This scholarship is only meant for students that are citizens of developing countries, and are already studying in Canada.

Once chosen for the scholarship, it will cover all your expenses throughout your stay in school. Go to https://www.idrc.ca/en/funding/idrc-research-awards-2020 to start registration now.

  • NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship

This scholarship is aimed at providing education opportunities to obtain a degree to all students from every country in the world.

Furthermore, many students seek this Scholarship, because it has no nationality boundary. You can apply for this scholarship at http://www.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/students-etudiants/pg-cs/index_eng.asp

  • Lester B. International Scholarships

As the name of the scholarship implies, the scholarship program is meant for all international students that have high academic excellence, to help them pursue a master’s degree in Canada.

Furthermore, the scholarship is meant for only students from European countries. You can apply for the scholarship at https://future.utoronto.ca/scholarships/lester-b-pearson-international-scholarship-program/


All the programs mentioned above are fully funded scholarships in Canada meant to make Canada home of academic excellence, and also to provide support to all those who couldn’t afford the cost of education in Canada.


I love surfing the web and providing great information for my readers. I am an Editor At Myscholarshipbaze.com

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