Fire service recruitment 2021

Is fire service recruitment form 2021 out? This is a question many applicants who wish to work with the Nigeria fire service have always found themselves asking.

Fire service started shortly after independence, in the year 1963.

Do you know more than 2200 workers will be employed by the fire service alone? This means the competition for job employment and the job criteria will be less. Don’t dull this opportunity!

Fire service is committed to ensuring the safety of people during a fire outbreak, or emergency purpose. The organization is the only organization that provides safety for all Nigerians.

However, if you will love to work with the fire service, here is the job requirement.

  • You must be a citizen of Nigeria
  • Your certificate must be the one that tallies with the job you are applying for
  • You must not be less than 18 years of age, and not above 35 years.
  • You must be medically fit.
  • As a man applying, you must not be less than 1.65m and 0.85m for chest measurement
  • As a woman applying, you must not be less than 1.60m
  • You must be free from any form of financial harassment.

Vacant Positions In Federal Fire Service

The vacant positions in the fire service are grouped into categories. Your eligibility for a job in a category depends on your certificate. Here are vacant positions.

1st Category: Superintendent cadre.

  1. Assistant superintendent of fire(1): Anyone who wishes to apply for a job under this category must have at least a master’s degree.
  2. Assistant superintendent of fire (ii): This job is meant for applicants with a minimum of bachelor’s degree.

2nd Category: Inspectorate Category

  • Senior Inspector of fire: This position is open for poly graduates, and the minimum requirements is higher national diploma
  • Inspector of fire (nursing): This position is opened to all applicants who had a degree in nursing.
  • Assistant inspector of fire: This position is opened to many, as those who had OND, NABTEB, NCE are eligible to apply.

3rd category: Assistant Cadre

  • Fire assistant: This is the position with the least requirement, as you can apply without attending any university or polytechnics, just apply with your 0’level result. (Minimum of 5 credits)
  • Fire assistant (III): This position is opened to all secondary school graduates, you can apply with just 3 credits in your 0’level.

How much is the application fee?

The application fee is free, do not pay for charges to anyone.

How do I apply for fire service recruitment?

The form is online, which is an easier means for people to obtain the form without delay.

  • Go to
  • Apply for the job that is suitable for you, but make sure it’s in accordance with your certificate
  • Fill the entire f orm, and do not apply more than once.

Be reminded that shortlisted candidates will be contacted for aptitude test or screening.

We believe this article will be able to guide you through your registration process, however, if there are any difficulties you are facing in obtaining the form or doing the registration, kindly let us know in the comment box so we can be of help.


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  • When will the recruitment begin because its hasn't reflected on their official website

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